Posts tagged inflammation
Harmony doesn't just happen!

If these ideas are SO good, why are health problems on the rise? Why aren’t the race for cures making a dent in the countless people needing medical interventions?

Better yet. Why are there so many children entering this world with serious health issues?

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Tips for Lowering and Preventing Inflammation with Integrative Care

essential oils are a favorable market and more and more of your patients are seeking nondrug solutions. And while there is nothing wrong with including them as part of a daily lifestyle (something I strongly recommend), it does take:

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I Have Some Questions ...

Are you confused by the things your doctor is telling you? Do you feel like you’re not getting all the information? Do you have questions about integrating essential oils with medications? Let me know how I can assist you with any these? I am a BIG believer in the idea that misinformation leads to malfunction and the only way to be informed is to ask questions …

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