Posts tagged stress
Harmony doesn't just happen!

If these ideas are SO good, why are health problems on the rise? Why aren’t the race for cures making a dent in the countless people needing medical interventions?

Better yet. Why are there so many children entering this world with serious health issues?

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Clinical Consideration for Essential Oils

making authentic oils a part of our daily lifestyle does wonders for reducing the stress response. Using them is not about targeting one specific chemical, it’s about inspiring the body to settle into an easier rhythm.

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3 Easy Steps for Optimal Brain Health

When a person develops blood pressure issues, we focus on the heart and circulatory system.. If we start experiencing indigestion and / or bloating, we put our attention towards our digestion. When a young lady struggles with her menstrual cycle, the target is ‘estrogen’. If allergies become a problem and / or asthma, we take care of the lungs.

This is not only incomplete, it’s misinformed action…

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