Posts tagged cancer
Harmony doesn't just happen!

If these ideas are SO good, why are health problems on the rise? Why aren’t the race for cures making a dent in the countless people needing medical interventions?

Better yet. Why are there so many children entering this world with serious health issues?

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The Harmony of Health

While we want to believe a healthy lifestyle of wholesome nutrition, physical activity, meditation and breathing are enough, in the ideal world my guess is they would be. Sadly, we live in a world that is riddled with man made chemicals (thousands of them) that disrupt the hormonal system.

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3 Easy Steps for Optimal Brain Health

When a person develops blood pressure issues, we focus on the heart and circulatory system.. If we start experiencing indigestion and / or bloating, we put our attention towards our digestion. When a young lady struggles with her menstrual cycle, the target is ‘estrogen’. If allergies become a problem and / or asthma, we take care of the lungs.

This is not only incomplete, it’s misinformed action…

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