What Makes COVID-19 Dangerous?
Last evening, I watched and an interview on Fox News with Dr. Fauci, an American immunologist and physician employed by the U.S. National Institute of Health. Laura Ingraham wanted to know why people living with obesity, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases i.e. COPD, diabetes, kidney disease, Hepatitis B, and cancer are more at risk of dying . I must admit, gender seems to be a factor as well; however, Dr. Fauci’s response was, ‘We don’t know.”
What? I could hardly believe what I was hearing!
Scientists around the world know that chemicals affect human physiology. They also recognize the fact that many compounds influence hormonal activity; these substances are known as endocrine disruptors and for the sake of clarity, here is a short list of at least 50 hormones, other than cortisol, estrogen, testosterone and progesterone:
hepcidin ~ regulates the use of iron from the liver
melatonin ~ used for sleep
nitric oxide ~ posesses both inflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties for survival
acetylcholine ~ regulates the stress response
leptin ~ decreases appetite and increases metabolism
human growth hormone
angiotensin ~ vasoconstriction
antidiuretic hormone ~ retention of water in kidneys and some vasoconstriction
brain natriuretic peptide ~ reduce blood pressure by reducing systemic vascular resistance, blood water, sodium and fats
calcitonin ~ construct bone and reduce blood calcium
vitamin D
and more …
My guess is there are more than 50 due to the fact that hepcidin was only discovered 12 years ago; so, it stands to reason the chance for more is very possible. Additionally, there may be sub-groups involved with a number factor activities. For instance, estrogen influences the production of vascular endothelial growth factor, a protein involved in the formation of blood vessels. This also indicates the involvement of nitric oxide synthase. According to the National Institute of Health, “estrogen is an important vasoprotective molecule that causes the rapid dilation of blood vessels by activating endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) through an unknown mechanism”. What’s more, in the Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, “by the end of 1999, NOS-II derived NO (nitric oxide) was fully established as an important modulator in the immune system and had become a subject in every area of immunology research”. This is significant.
Essentially, it demonstrates the role of hormones as signaling molecules influencing all metabolic processes throughout the sytem. What’s more, nitric oxide is linked to immune, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and mental health. In other words, nitric oxide synthase is involved with modulating each of these systems, including infections. However, there are two big concerns.
The body is chronically unstable due to mental, emotional and environmental stress factors, leading to inflammatory epigenetic adaptations. Although purposeful, these changes are meant to be temporary.
The immune system is composed of the adaptive and innate subsystems. The innate is an older evolutionary defense strategy providing protection from viruses, bacteria and other microbes with neutrophils, macrophages, and natural killer cells. The adaptive is comprised of 4 immunoglobulins: IgA which has 2 subtypes, IgE, IgG with 4 subtypes, and IgM
According to the Journal of Cell Science, “resting immune cells lack the inducible NO synthase (iNOS or NOS2), the enzyme that synthesizes NO. However, a variety of extracellular stimuli can activate distinct signaling pathways that converge to initiate expression of NOS2. Cell wall components of bacteria and fungi can trigger the innate immune signaling cascade, leading to expression of NOS2”
The cited understanding regarding the relationship between nitric oxide and innate immunity is based on ‘resting immune cells’; however, the people losing their lives to COVID-19 already had an immune system on high alert as evidenced by their nitric oxide related health issues. What’s more, German research and the Human Genome Project have established that the immune system is unique, much like our fingerprints. This is why we must go through tests to determine which immunoglobulins are excessive, deficient or both.
If the innate protects us from viruses, then why do the immunoglobulins matter? Because according to Yale School of Medicine, “innate recognition of viruses allows activation of adaptive immune responses. Dendritic cells (DCs) are potent inducers of T cell responses. However, how various populations of DCs sense virus infection and induce immune responses during a natural virus infection is unclear.”
Don’t be alarmed by the statement ‘unclear’. The reason this is has everything to do with the fact that no two systems are the same. And to complicate matters, the U.S. is epidemically low in vitamin D which I address in the second half of my last post ‘The Age of Essential Oils’; however to sum it up, cortisol disrupts VDR (vitamin D receptor) activity, reducing the transport of vitamin D into the cells …again, something that’s meant to be temporary.
So, what makes COVID-19 dangerous?
Instability. It’s that cut and dry. A severely unstable system …
We live in a complicated world. The technology we have is incredible and at the same time, damaging to the environment, including the human body. The millimeter waves from our cell phones, WIFI and EMF impact the cells of the body, signaling a stress response. Of course, there are the countless chemicals being used globally, including Harvard’s use of calcium carbonate with solar geoengineering.
Calcium, such an innocent and healthy mineral. Think again. In fact, I did a video 2 years ago on calcium. Taking it is useless if you’re not even using vitamin D properly. However, the fact that it’s being added to foods and now the air we breath (do your own research .. this began in Spring of 2019), our systems are being rocked. Especially when combined with the various communication signals being emitted around the world. You see, pulsed WIFI and EMF produce an instantaneous increase in calcium; hence, the activation of NO with the immune system.
At the same time, the use of the hormone nitric oxide in the immune system also produces peroxynitrite; an unstable isomer of nitric oxide that leads to inflammation. Depending on an individual’s genetic wiring, cancer, diabetes, respiratory difficulties i.e. asthma and COPD, cardiovascular issues, autoimmune disorders, mental health imbalances and / or digestive problems become a fact of life.
This is a real problem that can be relieved with effective approaches that restore stability and source the entire body. Yes, essential oils are a part of the resolution as are other nutritional suggestions (please see The Age of Essential Oils). Please keep in mind, they are NOT the only solution, especially if you are living with one or more of the listed health conditions OR have a family history of them. Yet, they are a start, when safely integrated with your doctor’s protocol.
I honestly don’t blame Dr. Fauci for stating that ‘they don’t know why it seems COVID-19 is targeting certain people. Statistically, the percentage of men dying is a bit higher than women and to try and explain all of this without creating widespread panic is next to impossible. What’s more, it’s clearly not an easy explanation and requires an enourmous shift in mindset regarding wellness, health and the technology we use.
On the other hand, I share this here for the individual ready and willing to restore stability to their system with the mind as well as with the thoughtful use of essential oils. My intention is to facilitate big change for our protection in the immediate future as well as for years to come.
It’ important to know, we have the ability to help our body keep us safe. Please read ‘The Age of Essential Oils’ if you haven’t already. We may be facing waves of this illness as was experienced in 1918 -1919. And above all, let me know if you have any questions.
This information is for educational purposes, not to take the place of your doctor’s recommendations. There are ways to prevent and thwart this virus from the beginning; however, should you become severely ill with this, please follow your physician’s advice. The hydroxycholorquine being trialed for treatment is an immunosuppressant that influences the activity of both the innate and adaptive immune subsystems; so, it makes sense to use this given the fact that calcium activates immune activity.
AND, once recovered, please consider incorporating essential oils on a daily basis, from now on!
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With love and gratitude ~