revolutionary aromatherapy


NO ONE is destined to repeat their family’s medical history!

Feeing at ease within my mind and body is everything to me. I used to think that the way to achieve this goal was to use an oil, take a supplement and sometimes a medication.

Although there may have been some relief … it was short-lived.

Witnessing this in others, I was inspired to determine why people ride the roller coaster of discomfort, pain and even suffer … DESPITE the plethora of advice and information out there telling you how to lower inflammation and be healthy. You see. I followed the instructions to a ‘T’, including a plant-based diet to prevent health issues only to learn otherwise ..

Treating symptoms … trying to control with a fix it mindset interferes with the body’s wisdom…

The mission of Revolutionary Aromatherapy is to debunk the myths around poor health, inflammation and ‘how to break the cycle of dis-ease management’ so that you know how to partner with your health professionals and help your body to do what it’s capable of doing to restore better health and optimize your wellness.

You and our child(ren) deserve a healthier future!

Come discover the secret to being remarkably healthy and what cutting edge Aromatherapy has to offer!

I’m Tammy Davis … author, speaker, researcher, educator. Feel free to be in touch!

Revolutionary Aromatherapy

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specializing in::

  • dis-eases

  • dis-orders

  • dis-comforts

  • innovating healthcare

  • debunking myths


With such core values as curiosity, growth and integrity, I've been dedicated to health and wellness since 1978.

Fascinated by Nature's way of surviving and sustaining life without human intervention. I am humbled by the body's ability to generate and regenerate itself ... again, without human intervention.

Revolutionary Aromatherapy was conceived while going to school for pharmacology. Introduced to plant components from the very beginning, the study of how chemicals found in nature can influence genetic receptors, captivated me.

Around that time, I also ventured into the world of natural perfume with one of 7 professional noses in the world. Our business was creating amazing scents with essential oils.

I had no idea that a fragrance could affect the way I feel ... yet they did ... consistently.

Meeting and studying with Kurt Schnaubelt, a world renowned organic and bio chemist as well as a phytotherapist, I discovered the science behind the effects I was feeling in the lab. 

The release of the Human Genome Project not only changed the game for health, wellness and other industries, it also ignited the spark of inspiration that I had been honoring for years.

The research this project spawned became the catalyst I needed to expand upon Kurt's brilliant work and my studies thus far.

Essential oils contain compounds that are factored into countless studies.

  • bacterial biofilms

  • neurochemical regulation

  • hormonal regulation

  • neuroprotective properties

  • detoxification pathways

  • DNA signaling pathways

  • autonomic regulation

  • immune responses

  • digestion and lymph

  • for their synergistic effects with medication

To date: the EPA has confirmed well over 70,000 manmade chemicals to be endocrine (hormonal system) disruptors AND it recognizes natural ones as well.

In 2012, studies on the stress response began surfacing ironically at the same time as the genetic tests were being marketed to the public.

​The stress response is how Nature survives and sustains life without human intervention!!

I saw the gap. 

Dis-ease = lack of ease

Dis-ease, dis-comfort and dis-orders are indicative of a body in distress and fighting to survive. 

​In a world of emotional and environmental turmoil, the knowledge I was gaining bridged this gap.

I knew and know in my heart ... this is my life's work.

The challenge I saw was that chronic inflammatory reactions ... degeneration and dis-ease warrant concentrated doses of relief. 

​However, overdoing it between natural and allopathic remedies increases inflammation!

This insight inspired my desire to find a way to counterbalance the symptom relief with oils. I knew there was another way to work with them. 

​Never wanting to just say or offer up an idea without experiencing it, I focused on the addictive behaviors, nervousness, panic attacks, night terrors, SEVERE digestive issues, chronic pain, eating disorders ...  oh yeah ... AND cancer

Everything I was living with ...

​If I was mistaken, I'd rather it be with me ...

With dedication comes purpose.

I have served hundreds of people from the U.S. including the Amish and have supported families in other countries as well.

Having worked with clients with cancer, in recovery from addiction and trauma (including eating disorders) as well as countless adults and children diagnosed with Autism ... emotional reactions must be regulated as well!

This influenced my focus ... Neuroaromatherapy.

Based on the wisdom of Nature (cooperation) and the knowledge gained through scientific studies, I innovated a way to work with AND personalize the use of genuine essential oils by integrating the chemistry of oils with the nature of the individual ... although the approach changes a bit with medications, the outcome is incredible.

Isn’t it time to feel at home in your mind, body and world.

If you don’t how will our children learn anything differently?

History and Achievements





Started first Holistic Chamber of Commerce in New Mexico

Selected as a Top Healthcare Provider by The International Association of HealthCare Professionals

Solved fungal overgrowth developing in organic fields as a result of being surrounded by GMO farms as well as resurrected a number of beehives


1978 - present

Educated in pharmacology through the University of TX, University of Houston and University of New Mexico.

40+ years of investigation into plant constituents, their influence on the genome and the scientific attempt to replicate their actions for the purpose of medications, supplements, personal care products, industrial herbicides and pesticides.

Internationally Certified Master Clinical Aromatherapist revolutionizing the way you use essential oils for optimal wellness.

When customized:

  1. they help the body correct the damage being done by the environment

  2. they restore the body’s ability to be more resilient and healthier

Nutritional Science thru the Institute of Integrative Nutrition

Colleagues and mentors include, the organic and biochemist Kurt Schaubelt, Aromatic and Botanical Extraction Specialist and Chemist, Mark Webb, world-renowned aromatherapists Robert Tisserand and Mindy Green as well as genomics experts Joe R. Veltmann, PhD and Dr. Bobbi Klein

Ontological Coaching and Leadership Development thru Accomplishment Coaching


1978 - present

The idea of Revolutionary Aromatherapy was conceived long before aromatherapy was an accepted field of study. Tammy put herself through college while working in the dental field. After attending the Insititute of Holistic Nutrition she was fascinated by digestive wellness and began teaching a college level program to Holistic Health Professionals. At the same time, she was devoted to raising 6 children, 2 of whom were adopted with 3 of them needing additional care due to struggles with mental & emotional issues. Beyond research and development, family, and various health concerns, Tammy enjoys writing, traveling, serving the Amish, gardening, photography, and immersing herself in nature whether in the woods or at the beach!