The Age of Essential Oils: An Update on Which Oils to Use and Why

These are indeed, interesting times. With the current global health crisis, it made sense to focus on the immune system in this month’s newsletter, and ways we can help our body now as well as going forward. The following are included in my latest video

However, before jumping into that, I feel it’s necessary to point out that the information I offers is based on 30+ years of extensively researched scientific information. My specialty is the way nature communicates, the chemistry of plants and humans, the way the DNA repairs itself, and the way scientists use their findings for the development of medications as they duplicate the actions of natural chemicals. While I do not prescribe medications, understanding the way they work is necessary for two reasons:

1)      Scientists focus on the way different plant chemicals influence various genetic functions; this knowledge not only informs me on the chemistry of plants, it helps me personalize the use of essential oils, herbs and nutritional recommendations.

2)   Many people take medications.  I respect this decision as certain health conditions do better with this added help; however, natural remedies don’t always ‘mix’ well with medications. Therefore, understanding the different ways these materials interact makes it easier to choose the safest ones.

It’s for these reasons that I’m hosting the ‘What Are Essential Oils?’ online events

Additionally, if we’re alive, the body is functional, not dysfunctional or defective, regardless of how it feels. Our current state of health equals the amount of stress in our cells. The body is reacting to various types of stressors, no matter how old or young we are, and the symptoms are letting us know the cells are overworked, and in need of our assistance. To understand this, improves our ability to not only relieve the immediate distress, but restore comfort as well.

It’s important to see stress as an important message from the body, rather than a bad situation. It’s simply a chemical reaction stimulated by the DNA in response to all physical, mental, emotional and environmental threats. The benefit to using essential oils based on their chemistry is because the chemicals in them can act like the chemicals produced in the brain and glands throughout the body; however, this isn’t always a good thing, and why I emphasize the need to ‘know’ what they are and how they work.

What is a physical and environmental threat?

Anything that is potentially dangerous to the body; manmade, natural, human, animal and /or microbial.

For this reason, both the autonomic nervous (stress response) and immune systems are activated. However, the immune system is a complex mechanism with 7 components between the adaptive (which is where we produce antibodies) and innate (a more immediate reaction) elements. These factors produce various types of chemicals in order to protect the body, depending on the messages being sent by the DNA. With this in mind, simply stimulating the immune system is not an effective form of protection. Quite frankly, if you’re already sick, your immune system is clearly working to fight off what ails you. From my point of view, the majority of us live with an unstable immune system; although, it is not possible to know which part is overactive or deficient. These determinations can only be made with a blood test.

The chemistry of immunity is complex; between the ones it produces and the way it requires specific nutrients to further the process.

However, beyond fighting viruses and bacteria (including Lyme), it’s also protecting us from the environment. When our children wet the bed, it’s a sign the body is stressed in some way. The same can be said for an autoimmune disorder such as MS, diabetes, arthritis and even cancer. What’s more, once we’ve been diagnosed with Epstein Barr, Lyme’s, Herpes simplex (which causes cold sores) or another bacteria or virus, even though the symptoms go away, the microbe does not; it simply goes to sleep in the system. Often times, these are reactivated through the introduction of a new virus or bacteria. The point to saying this is the body is actively trying to keep us as healthy as possible; yet, this level of protection leads to imbalances. Therefore, the best way to help yourself is through the use of nutrients and oils that promote stability; improving digestion and a better immune reaction.

With the recent COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak, I felt it was necessary to offer a few suggestions of things to do as well as some things to avoid (and why).

Recommended essential oils for cold or flu like symptoms:

  1. Ho leaf:  congestion, cough and repels viruses

  2. Laurel leaf: helps to regulate nitric oxide, supporting the immune system, DNA repair, digestion as well as flushing the lymph. An additional note is it’s blood thinning abilities.

  3. Lemongrass relaxes the body, supports nitric oxide, detoxification through SOD and catalase production, digestion, circulation and the lymph

  4. Holy basil mediates DNA activity, stabilizing systemic reactions, allowing for anti-inflammatory actions plus it has blood thinning abilities.

  5. Black pepper: repels viruses, improves the production of digestive enzymes

  6. Star anise: only use as you feel a fever coming on; the chemistry of this oil is why we have a medication for the flu called Tamiflu

  7. Peppermint: excellent fever reducer and only necessary until the fever goes away.

There have been recent reports claiming the most dangerous part of this virus is the amount of thick mucus collecting in the lungs and potential scarring. For this reason, I strongly recommend the following mucus thinning oils with active cold or flu like symptoms.

  1. Eucalyptus globulus is good for colds, flu and congestion, for as long as there is a productive cough; loosens mucus in the chest (eucalyptus radiata is the best choice as it is safe for all ages)

  2. Helichrysum also helps keep the mucus thin as well as stimulate the production of health tissue, reducing the chance of scarring

  3.  Myrrh helps relax chest muscles and reduce inflammation

  4.  Hyssop decumbens eases breathing and very effective against viruses

  5. Rosemary verbenone contains camphor another great mucolytic to help loosen thick mucus and keep the lungs open

  6.  Marjoram sweet supports digestion and eases distress strengthening immune function

Avoid using peppermint for anything other than a fever!

As long as you are feeling poorly, use a couple drops of each 4 to 5 times a day. Once your condition begins to improve, back off to twice a day and stop using altogether at the end of 2 weeks. Apply directly to the lymph glands under the arms, around the neck and over the chest or you can add a total of 20 drops to a bath and soak for 15 to 20 minutes.

What are the recommendations if you’re not feeling sick?

Before jumping into any suggestions, allow me to say this. Vitamin D is essential for good health … period.

The United States is epidemically low; meaning, most of aren’t producing enough to sustain good health. This is determined through blood tests; although, taking a vitamin D3 supplement does not mean the body will use it!

Vitamin D is a hormone the body produces when exposed to sunlight without sunscreen. Sunscreen is only good for preventing a sunburn; however, we don’t need a lot of sunshine in order for it to be beneficial. Just 5 to 15 minutes at a time, 3 to 4 days a week, is plenty; after which, you can put sunscreen on before spending long periods of time outdoors.

Even still, whether we give the body vitamin D or help it to actually produce it, transporting and using it is an entirely different story. This happens with a genetic receptor called the ‘vitamin D receptor’, also known as
the VDR. This gene receptor is responsible for transporting vitamin D into the cells where it can be used for every aspect of our health, including thyroid, metabolism, weight management, immunity, mental, respiratory and heart health. Like I said, this vitamin is a hormone produced from cholesterol and when transported into
the cells, it helps with the balanced use of calcium. Otherwise, excess calcium leads to slower metabolism and weight gain, hardening of the arteries, kidney and gallstones, sleep apnea, COPD, and autoimmune disorders.

Sunshine is good for the body. So are slow deep breaths through the nose and humming. All of these things have been proven to soothe the autonomic nervous system and improve hormonal production and function.
(yes, I mean humming) It actually stimulates the paranasal sinuses to produce nasal nitric oxide which is essential for sending oxygen into cells throughout the body. Simple things like this actually help the body to know when to protect us and when to relax.

As I mentioned, every one of us is living with an unstable immune system due to the amount of stress on the body and DNA. This is why we’re seeing a growing number of health issues. Yet, natural is not always safe; nor is manmade. Just because many products are marketed as good for us does not make it so. It’s a fact, there is a lot of information out there that makes taking care of our health confusing and overwhelming. So, what do we believe?

As I’ve encouraged for years now, we must believe the body is capable when given the right ‘information’, and chemicals whether medication, food or essential oils are the source of direction for the body. Yet, the current line of thinking is ‘there is something wrong and needs to be fixed’; so, if it’s low on vitamin D, just take some; however, as I’ve already pointed out, taking it does not help it get into the cells. Another example is the way we’re encouraged to take calcium for strong bones, nerve function, hormone secretion, blood vessel expansion, and muscle contraction. Notice, I did not say, relaxation.

The listed purposes of calcium do not suggest good health. Muscle contractions are also known as spasms. Hormones are used during both calm and stressful times; the difference is the body produces different ones depending on what it’s ‘fighting’, and with these hormonal adjustments, our bone density changes. Therefore, when chronically stressed, we see higher levels of osteopenia and osteoporosis. These are not truly age related; they are stress related.

On the other hand, when we approach the body as functional and able, we make different choices.

Calcium causes muscle contractions; magnesium produces relaxation. Calcium activates the immune system; magnesium eases it. To take it as a supplement is useless. I know people would disagree with this; however, vitamin D is used in the regulation of calcium and when we’re unable to use it, health issues develop. As of today, cholesterol medications are on the top the list for most prescribed drugs.

Think about that for a moment; cholesterol levels are high, vitamin D levels are low, and sleep apnea, obesity, autoimmune disorders, immunity and bone density issues are on the rise.

Cholesterol is used to produce vitamin D through the help of the sun; yet, we wear sunscreen, blocking that … hence, high cholesterol and low vitamin D. To make matters worse, we’re seeing an increase in degenerative
health issues; yet, we’re taking higher doses of calcium which does nothing but stress the system even further. So, the first step is to eliminate calcium from our supplements. There is plenty in our foods; a better step is to improve VDR function.

How do we do this?

  1.  Deliberately reduce our mental and emotional stress levels. Why? Because the well-known stress hormone called cortisol alters vitamin D receptor function! While we may see this as ‘bad’, it’s simply part of the survival process which is meant to be temporary.

  2. Use the essential oils:

    a)  Bitter orange ONLY if you ‘re not taking an anti-depressant

    b)  Roman chamomile

    c)   Elemi

    d)   Black spruce

    e)   Copaiba: ONLY if not taking any medication for mental and emotional health.

    f)    Myrrh

  3.  Enhance the breakdown of macronutrients

    a)  Eat beets

    b)  Take a Betaine or HCL supplement in order to improve gut flora and the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins

  4.  Take ashwagandha which comes in capsule or powder form. When a powder, it works into smoothies and helps lower cortisol levels

  5.  Eliminate probiotics

  6.  Massage magnesium oil over the belly, back or chest

  7.   If no magnesium oil, take an Epsom salt bath with suggested essential oils as it is magnesium sulfate which not only relaxes the body, it helps with the detox process.

The point of these recommendations is to soothe the body, improve the use of cholesterol, and lower cortisol levels which improves adrenal and thyroid function.

At the same time, blocking the sun every second of every day is not recommended. The body requires sunlight. As I mentioned, sunscreen is meant to prevent sunburn; yet, does nothing for preventing or repairing damage. To make matters worse, the chemicals in many commercial sunscreens remains at high levels in the blood for days after last application which means if a person uses it every day, the body consistently has these dangerous chemicals in it which promote skin and other cancers. Not to mention, they pollute the water we swim in.

While zinc oxide, a natural sun block, may prevent a sunburn, it it does not repair any damage. That said, I have developed a skin care salve that not only protects the skin from being burned, it also provides protection against damage as well as nourishes and moisturizes making it great for every day skincare for all ages. The benefit to using this salve is you can spend a short time in the sun without any sunscreen and then apply the salve to reverse any potential damage as well as provide ongoing protection.

Does any of this help a person living with a diagnosed illness?

Using essential oils on a daily basis as well as focusing on digestion is a big step in slowing down the progression of the illness. Not to mention, essential oils are the plants form of oxidative stress for the sake of protection from microbes, insects and other animals; without question, they do the same for us. It’s not necessary to know which one fights viruses or bacteria, unless you have an active infection. It’s more important to use oils that provide stability to the hormonal system,

Of course, you want to select ones that also provide symptom relief; however, it’s best to avoid using anything that either stimulates the immune system or specifically replaces a chemical the body normally produces.

With this said, there are exceptions to every rule; therefore, it’s best to contact me with questions pertaining specifically to you.

When it comes to living with a history of Epstein Barr, Lyme’s, etc, even though the microbes are dormant, they are still there. Most of us know that Lyme has a biofilm. Many viruses do the same thing; this is why they are dormant in the body. This alone is the primary reason for using essential oils every day! According to the Center for Disease Control, 95% of the adult population has at least one dormant microbe in their body. Because these things are reactivated with the introduction of new viruses and bacteria, it’s wise to use essential oils due to their ability to support the body’s stability in order to effectively inactivate and eliminate these ‘bugs’.

Furthermore, including oils on a regular basis prevents autoimmune flare ups or further sickness, between their ability to protect us from microbes as well as relieve the stress response.

Again, please let me know if you have any questions about the information I share in these posts and sign up for one of my online events

The mission is to assist people with experiencing functional health and the best way I know to do it is to begin including authentic essential oils specific to their systemic needs.