Can I get a Witness?
Let’s pause for a moment of ReMinding …
So what …
somebody else got a chance to do something you wanted to do
an opportunity fell through
a relationship ended
Where does your head go throughout the day?
Be honest …
shoulda, woulda, coulda
I’m not enough
it wasn’t enough
I must have done something wrong
they don’t know what they’re missing
it wasn’t meant to be
There are an infinite number of ways to interpret your experiences. Judgement is a way of life. And the Truth is life is not against you. Life is organic and everchanging. Nothing is bad or wrong. Your perspective is yours to choose.
So why not illuminate yourself and life with more uplifting views? Be honest, what have you got to lose?
The doubt, criticism, cynicism and arrogance are due to the way your brain has been wired since conception.
That’s right … arrogance.
It’s all ego … be careful with how you read that. Ego is how everyone survives. This means the human brain is wired for survival which has been the case since the beginning of time.
Living in protection mode was critical for getting from point A to point B. And now that you are at point B, you are being given the opportunity to realize a new way … a higher perspective, if you will. Although challenging, your ability to survive is no longer being threatened; unless you have extenuating circumstances that warrant additional assistance to keep you safe.
In which case, please do what you have to do to take care of you.
Other than that, breakdowns and missing out on something are not problems. They are signs that you are on the right track. They are indications that you’re growing and evolving. It’s all in how you interpret them.
Reading something negative about yourself or another person into anything holds you hostage. It sustains the survival wiring …
Neuroscience is realizing that neuroplasticity … the way your brain continually wires itself … is a constant process throughout your life … until your last breath.
When you’re ready to see things differently … and it is a choice because it takes awareness … then you have it within you to rewire your brain to think in a more responsive way.
Doubt, criticism, cynicism, arrogance, worry are forms of control that equal fear. This is an inflammatory existence. It stands to reason that the body follows suit.
Inflammatory thought processes promote inflammatory hormones also known as oxidative stress which lead to inflammation.
This is why you are the root cause of dis-ease. Granted there are other factors, such as manmade chemicals, however no remedy is going to fix what ails you without your intentional input. You must be deliberate with the way you interpret everything about your life.
This does not mean be a Pollyanna and pretend like you don’t feel some degree of upset. It means be honest. Just the facts and give yourself permission to explore your emotions independently for the sake of healing the dis-ease (and dis-ease in this case refers to the lack of ease felt with strong emotions).
I won’t lie. Essential oils make a huge difference with neuroplasticity and not because I’ve built a business around them. I fiercely advocate for their use because they are how Nature sources our well-being. Not unlike oxygen in exchange for carbon dioxide.
I’ve devoted 40+ years to knowing them and their involvement with drug development.
Look. Medications are a fact of life. Why? Because science has been studying plants for centuries. And more importantly, the components found in essential oils are the foundation on which most medicine is formulated. However, they are not using true chemicals found in nature. They are replicating them in labs for the sake of quality control. Hence the birth of organic chemistry.
Without scientific knowledge on how the vast number of constituents influence your epigenetics, the pharmaceutical industry wouldn’t exist.
Therefore, intentionally including genuine essential oils for your body’s needs as part of a daily routine is the difference between surviving the day and feeling the ability to rise above and thrive.
They’re more than symptom relief … some are neuroprotective, others stabilize the autonomic nervous system and reduce the emotional and physical effects of both external and internal triggers with the added value being they can alleviate your dis-comforts.
Retraining your brain takes attention and intention. Adding essential oils not only improve the moment, but consistency also revitalizes your life! I’m living proof! Would you like to know more? Click here. There is a discovery call waiting just for you!