I Have Some Questions ...
Why are we culturally normalizing the degeneration of the human body?
Why are ‘we’ being led and/ or choosing to believe the body is dysfunctional?
Why aren’t physicians talking about the epigenome with their patients?
Why are ‘we’ hellbent on outsmarting and controlling the body?
Do you disagree with the implications of my last question? Check out this website and see how outsmarting and controlling nature is becoming big business! While it’s evident that outthinking the body is the MO for conventional medicine, I have never seen it so clearly stated, and the only reason I encountered this site is due to a question asked of me. How familiar am I with whole genome sequencing and do I know of a reliable source?
You know what? I can totally wrap my head around the idea of being at the effect of nature and the environment; yet, we’re not. Truthfully, this question came from a parent of a beautiful girl living with Autism. This family has done so much to assist her, and while I do not know their current experience of her, attempting to outsmart the system, is next to impossible. Why? Because the body …. ALL of nature …. adapts to the chemical information being emitted.
Please note: chemical does not mean toxin; it’s simply a substance with the ability to affect change. I say more about this in 6 Reasons Why Essential Oils Must Be Part of a Health Assessment
Nevertheless, nature cannot be outsmarted. It adjusts accordingly. Why Autism? Why any dis-ease or dis-order? Because the world is full of chemicals both manmade and natural. It’s like standing in a group of people and everyone is speaking at you; yet, you have no idea who’s really saying what and feeling a bit overwhelmed…
This is exactly what’s happening all throughout nature … in humans, animals (especially the domestic ones), and plants (which is a big reason for confirming the chemical composition of essential oils). However, this doesn’t make the body defective. If you’re living with one or more health concerns, and reading this, your body is working just fine. While it may not be to your liking or that of your health professional, it’s functioning at a necessary level in response to the information being received by the very mechanism that monitors environmental (internal and external) input thereby notifying the DNA of a need for change. That said, for as much as the body responds with oxidative stress, it is as equally equipped to reverse the production.
How is this possible? Epigenetics!
The DNA has the ability to alter itself by relocating certain segments, called transponal elements, along the strand in order to adjust systemic chemistry for the survival of the species. Again, there may be some concern regarding the quality of one’s health; yet, as long as we’re alive … we’re surviving. Oxidative stress and inflammation are meant to help us survive. Chronic oxidative stress and inflammation are also meant to be temporary; the fact that they are ongoing is indicative of epigenetic distress. On the other hand, knowing that the epigenome has the ability to adjust according to environmental signals a.k.a. chemical messages indicates adaptability and these supposed ‘mutations’ being discussed are not permanent as long as the organism is not in survival mode.
Several years ago, I lived on the east coast in a heavily congested and polluted area. The county was dotted with chemical companies and the neighborhoods smelled like a ‘lawn and garden’ department. There were so many fertilizers and pesticides being sprayed, I hated to go outside. Although I exercise and have lived by a plant based diet since early childhood, I developed a slow-growing estrogen feeding breast cancer. Why? Because there are over 70,000 confirmed endocrine disruptors and I’m confident the chemicals I lived around overwhelmed my body.
You may be wondering how this would have happened since I use essential oils. Well, being post-menopausal, I included oils that acted like estrogen as a means of supporting my mental, physical and sexual health. Yet, combined with the additional environmental estrogens, my system was in toxic overload and doing its best to protect me. Let’s face it, I don’t have any estrogen to speak of (according to recent blood tests) which only points to other sources .. manmade and natural.
Nonetheless, adjustments were made (it sounds like a business deal) and oxidative stress was produced, without me realizing anything. Why? Because we’re told to adopt certain lifestyles as a means of preventing dis-ease. While it’s all well intentioned, it’s not an adequate prevention plan.
Yes, exercise and wholesome nutrition are beneficial as are meditation, yoga, art and so on … they do very little to override the incoming messages. In my mind, I was safe because I had adopted these healthy habits for YEARS; yet, I was emotionally and financially stressed beyond anything I had ever known. Even though I swear by essential oils, I was not effectively managing my thoughts. What’s worse, I was feeding the cancer with essential oils acting like estrogen.
My knowledge of the epigenome suggests alterations to my VDR; the vitamin D receptor, which will affect blood serum levels. So, it’s not shocking to hear that my vitamin D levels were low a few weeks ago. Honestly, this can be assisted with oils; however, it depends on the medications a person is taking. In the meantime, cholesterol is used to produce vitamin D (a hormone) along with all the rest. The VDR transports vitamin D into the cells; yet, there have been confirmed links between low vitamin D and alterations to the vitamin D receptor.
What’s the significance?
My medical oncologist has put me on a prescription strength vitamin D, telling me my levels should be back up within the next several weeks which means I no longer need to take the supplement. Two thoughts: 1) when we give the body what it’s supposed to produce, it stops making it and 2) taking vitamin D does not improve VDR activity. The American Medical Association has confirmed that people taking vitamin D do not experience ‘back to normal’ levels; not to mention, VDR activity is altered due to systemic distress; taking it actually adds to this as the body has had to make further adjustments throughout the endocrine system.
The challenge I see that she faces is not knowing how to support VDR function. This is something many physicians are unaware of. Why? Because essential oils are not considered a viable option for treatment. Nevertheless, I would have preferred my doctor tell me this may be a problem especially since the medication she wants me to take has the potential to affect bone density. Osteoporosis is not on my bucket list.
Beyond the VDR, there are many aspects of the epigenome that are supported by various essential oil constituents; however, this changes depending on the medications being taken. At the same time, most conventional doctors either don’t know this or see the oils as good for stress relief. While it’s true there are some with calming properties, they don’t mix well with medications. Additionally, with the growing number of people living with health issues and testing their genetics, recognizing the adaptability of the epigenome is essential because it is not a static system.
Are you confused by the things your doctor is telling you? Do you feel like you’re not getting all the information? Do you have questions about integrating essential oils with medications? Let me know how I can assist you with any these? I am a BIG believer in the idea that misinformation leads to malfunction and the only way to be informed is to ask questions …
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