The Psychology & Chemistry of Wellbeing

Oh the timing of it all!

I just received a notification on YouTube questioning my statements about MTHFR ….on a video recorded in 2015. I will say the same thing here that I said on YouTube: I am committed to transparency and accuracy. What’s more, as I uncover new information, I will continue updating and sharing it with you. A big part of the confusion is the fact that science is on a ceaseless mission to understand the nature of nature. Unfortunately, a lot of the information is incomplete or only shares one point of view. This is wreaking havoc on the world at large because it is so easy to wrap our heads around a single perspective and run with it. Without question, this is happening all over the place. Bits and pieces being offered without factoring in the whole picture. This of course influences our objections to alternative viewpoints and suggestions; however, if our goal is to affect positive change and generate wellness, it becomes imperative for us to rise above and considering broader view..

With that said, MTHFR ‘issues’ tend to be the scapegoat, even though MTHFR is not the source of the problem. It’s simply functioning according to DNA signaling. Now one point, in particular, this person made had to do with the fact that MTHFR leads to many health conditions, from mental health to autoimmune diseases. Frankly, there’s no argument with that .. there are countless correlations; yet, MTHFR is not the underlying cause … it’s simply carrying out the repair orders from the DNA. What’s damaging the DNA? Both the environment and our state of mind. As a matter of fact, the mindset either exacerbates the issue or improves it; it’s that powerful!

Look, I get it. Sometimes, it’s hard as hell to see something positive in a difficult situation; however, what if I told you the quality of your life depends upon it?!

I absolutely understand how easy it is to focus on what’s not working. Fixing the problem is a natural human reaction. However, the longer we pay attention to something, the faster we manifest the opportunities and information that align with our need to assume control. The common mindset views MTHFR and all other types of genetic SNP’s as defects … as if there is something wrong with the body. While there may be symptoms of degeneration and genetic ‘mutations’, these are definitely not because the body is dysfunctional. On the contrary, I wholeheartedly believe in the body’s ability to repair itself and restore wellness. However, it won’t happen until we open our hearts and minds and see the function in the dysfunction. Only then, can we effectively partner with the body. Keep in mind, MTHFR and all other genetic variations are not bad; they’re just indicators of a chronically stressed system. The one thing I’ve come to learn is everything is temporary; even genetic adaptations … well, at least they’re supposed to be …. and this is where the mind comes in.


The epigenome is the adaptable portion of our genome and designed to navigate life according to the body’s needs; doing what it can to take care of itself. Here’s a great example of being selfish in order to be selfless! In order to keep you housed in a body, the DNA must repair the damage being cued by the shortening of telomeres.

Many people rally around certain chemicals being the problem. Not that this is a problem; however, it’s time to be realistic. Nature communicates with chemicals. While man made chemicals are harmful, we’re not going to see the elimination of 45 million chemicals overnight.

I’m a big proponent of the energy behind a decision, more than decision itself. Said another way, the result of our actions are determined by the source energy. If we come at something feeling negative and upset, in anyway, there will be unfavorable repercussions. Saying this makes me smile because of the number of complaints we have on a daily basis about the things that don’t work out. With disappointing results, we retaliate, typically from the space of fear. As it goes with all situations, they are indicators … just like our genetic variations .. and opportunities for love, understanding as well as expansion. This is why I smile. The shit storm has a soulful purpose.

Then again, when we take actions feeling inspired and positive, the repercussions tend to be to our liking; although, not necessarily exact. We simply approached a situation feeling good, and we’re able to walk away with the same feeling. In other words, we generated ourselves from a peaceful space and were met with equal energy.

Negativity and upset versus inspiration and positivity. One stems from a lack of ease while the other is rooted in it which happens to be the corner stone for either dis-ease or wellbeing (with ‘dis’ meaning lack); the choice is ours.

Look at it this way. Cell signaling is a two-way street. Furthermore, the DNA repairs itself with proteins generated through acetylation and phosphorylation. There are several pathways that notify the DNA of various extracellular activities. Depending on the chemicals binding to these receptor sites, the messages being conveyed either signal a need to protect the organism a.k.a. mechanism of survival or to stimulate processes that help the body to thrive. The difference between surviving and thriving is nothing more than a flip of a switch; from producing oxidative stress to deactivating it. However, with psychological distress being an ongoing factor for a large population of people, the DNA struggles to repair itself. Therefor, the DNA’s distress signals perpetuate systemic distress, and the damage becomes extensive over time.

All of this effects the body’s ability to deactivate, metabolize and / or eliminate unnecessary chemicals a.k.a. detox; hence, food and chemical sensitivities. To make matters worse, not only does the body do this with environmental chemicals, it must do it with the chemicals it produces i.e. histamine and dopamine (there are others) for the sake of regulating functions. Otherwise, an individual may begin to experience brain fog, depression, anxiety, pain, autoimmune disorders and so on. Now we’re in a catch-22.

The biggest challenge we face when addressing methylation issues i.e. MTHFR or any health concern is every body is wired differently. No one epigenome looks like another. Oh there may be some similarities; yet, they are not identical. Therefore, it makes no sense to either make or follow generalized recommendations for two reasons: 1) doing or taking something the body does not need generates additional stress and 2) genetic adaptations are not the source of the problem. The one thing available to each one of us in this very moment is our mind.

We have the ability to control our thoughts and breathing; right here, right now. In fact, we’re the only species with this super power.

What I find interesting is just how strongly people will defend their homes, families, rights, religious and political ideologies but not themselves or their body. Well, he or she may argue out of anger or hurt; however, that has more to do with the fact that, on some level, they believe the negativity coming at them. Pause for a moment to reflect on times you became angry or distressed … this being for your highest good … what was the rub? What was the underlying negative thought you had / have of yourself? Shame, guilt, not being enough … At the same time, would you allow someone to come into your home and trash it? I think not .. so, why allow someone to trash you or the body’s ability?

If we want to heal; if we want to restore our sense of wellbeing, then the time has come to stop the madness. The outside world is a reflection of our inner turmoil; yet, there’s nothing to fix. Coming at everything albeit inner or outer concerns from love and ease has a power beyond description. Things and situations will naturally ease up. Our inner ease will generate the peace we say we wish to see, inside and out.

Yes, there is a lot of trauma and drama, and I’m not suggesting we over look anything. I’m simply saying, choosing the space we generate ourselves from is the difference between dis-ease and ease. There may be some steps you must take in order to maintain the state of ease, especially since the body and world are displaying signs of chronic distress, and that’s ok. The thing to keep in mind is our aim is stability.

Taking hundreds of dollars in supplements may seem like a solution; for that matter, they may appear to help. However, the real issue has nothing to do with needing more micronutrients and minerals. On the contrary, it has everything to do with the lack of macronutrients, carbs, fats, and proteins because stress slows down both the digestion and lymph (among many other things). Protein is how the DNA repairs itself; therefore, the protein we consume must be fully digested in order to be assimilated so that it can be delivered to the DNA. This is where MTHFR comes in. A fully functioning folate cycle improves cellular activity immensely. Yet, to only source the MTHFR gene family does not support the entire body. This is why I encourage the use of essential oils.

Through understanding them, we can select oils based on their constituents that not only support MTHFR, but the folate receptor activity as well as the hypothalamus / pituitary / adrenal axis. When we allow ourselves to consider additional constituents we’re better equipped to enhance sulfation, stabilize the immune system as well as support the transport of proteins into the cell for DNA repair which is done through acetylation and phosphorylation.

Do you have to have a genetic test to know what you need exactly? No. Symptoms, if any, are the clues for what’s needing attention. And if there aren’t any symptoms, then supporting digestion and liver could very well be the preventive step you need as this will activate stability.

Essential Oil Constituents that Enhance Wellbeing

  1. beta caryophyllene supports the endocannabinoid system (an important regulatory system) and MAPK phosphorylation signaling for protein delivery to DNA

  2. methyeugenol supports acetylation, another delivery protein delivery system

  3. gerianol supports glutathione conjugation as well as the folate cycle

  4. furanoeudesma-1,3-diene recognized for its ability to influence endogenous opioid activity which modulates the stress response

Please keep in mind, I am not suggesting we only use oils with these constituents. There may be a need for additional oils which is unique to the individual. However, oils containing these constituents will not only suggest systemic stabilization and restoration, they will help with the mindset as well. This is the advantage of essential oils … although specific in action, there is a favorable response by the mind and body which is necessary in our pursuit of wellness. In turn, it becomes easier to shift our mindset and practice seeing things through ease.

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