How to Improve DIgestion and Support the Immune System Without Exciting It ...

Earlier today, I talked about my recent experience with a migraine, digestive sluggishness and the resulting cold | flu. The first question I consistently ask myself is ..’why did this happen to me?’; yet, a much better way to phrase that is ...’what did this happen for?’. When I look at it this way there are points I can retrace in order to improve the way I take care of myself.

As I shared, my life is been upside down for several months and self-care has been missing. While I use oils everyday, I didn’t step it up in order to keep up with the level of stress which is stimulating the production of oxidative stress, re-appropriating my neurochemistry and disrupting my digestive system. Essentially, this bug reminded me of what’s important which actually benefits you and here’s how.....

When the body is taxed, albeit mentally, emotionally or environmentally, the autonomic nervous system is kicked into high gear which means acetylcholine is being used primarily for survival. Functionally, once the threat is over, the system is designed to revert back to optimal thriving … this isn’t happening at the rate we need it to if it is at all; hence, food sensitivities, gluten and dairy issues, heartburn, high blood pressure, cholesterol, respiratory and mental health concerns (a.k.a. digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory and mental health) not to mention, autoimmune disorders.

One of the primary reasons this is occurring is estrogen. In an ideal world (meaning a world devoid of xenoestrogens), besides being a reproductive hormone, estrogen is a primary signaling molecule that tells the body to shift gears for the sake of protection. Now factor in the crazy amount of xenoestrogens chemicals in our environment How this plays out in the individual depends on their genetic code. While we are all different, we do have the same genes … it’s just a matter of how the body has responded to the world and your lifestyle that determines what eventually manifests. That said, if we observe the people around us, there’s a good chance we will see an increase in mental health | mood disorders, digestive concerns, respiratory issues, autoimmune challenges (including cancer) as well as cardiovascular problems. What’s more, we become even more susceptible to colds and flu.

Why is this? Because 1) estrogen alters the function of the nitric oxide synthase genetic complex which is part of the epigenome, stimulating the production of oxidative stress i.e. peroxynitrite and hydrogen peroxide. These two chemicals alone when ‘left unchecked’, meaning deactivated which the body is designed to do, lead to thickening of the blood, nerve damage, premature graying, bleeding gums, indigestion, GERD, colitis, asthma, COPD.... yes, there are lifestyle factors that play into some of these; yet, the point is there is a chemistry behind it as well … 2) estrogen signals the activation of the autonomic and immune systems which disrupts the use of acetylcholine in the digestive system, increases macrophage levels, interrupting the release of iron from the liver which contributes to higher levels of fatigue. What’s more, iron is needed in the biosynthesis of catalase, an vital enzyme for scavenging excess hydrogen peroxide … 3) the resulting digestive disruption slows the release of hydrochloric acid, needed for the breakdown of proteins and carbs which leads to larger particles circulating in the blood stream (a.k.a. leaky gut). The body cannot distinguish between large protein particle or bacteria; therefore, the immune system remains on high alert. Not to mention, between unusable protein and glucose from partially digested carbs the synthesis of serine, cysteine, glycine and methionine, important amino acids for mental | mood health as well as the production of catalase is altered .. again, due to the systemic adaptations occurring due to the ongoing stress signals. What’s more, hydrochloric acid is required for regulating the microbiome and unless you’re taking antibiotics, there is no need to take probiotics. Please keep in mind, the entire point to my work is to a) deliver this information for the sake of improving our current state of health and b) help us help our body to thrive.

As I mentioned this morning, I realize there are health conditions that warrant more than an essential oil blend. In fact, depending on how far advanced any health condition, it is advisable to do what you can to relieve symptoms as that reduces some of the stress to the body and include select oils as they offer stability which is key. Many years ago, it made sense to try and stimulate the immune system in order to protect myself and others from getting sick. Maybe it worked, maybe it didn’t; it was always a hit or miss process which is why I set out to understand what’s actually going on. After decades of research and successful application, I am confident with the idea of stabilizing the body .. now more than ever because the body is increasingly unstable. One might say ‘overactive’ and others would say ‘underactive’. You can’t have one without the other. Just with the immune system alone, there are multiple components to it; hence the name, major histocompatibility complex. That said, a person could be deficient in one or two immunoglobulins and high in others. Speaking of immunoglobulins, acetylcholine is necessary for the release of immunoglobulin A (IgA) in the gut which happens to be our defense against colds and flu … this is why we frequently get sick after facing significant stress.

I would also like to point out that when nitric oxide production is diminished due to stress and the resulting genetic adaptations, histamine levels rise because, as I mentioned above, the immune system is consistently being stimulated. With histamine receptors in the gut, vascular smooth muscle, heart and more, this is why we’re witnessing so many digestive and cardiovascular issues ..

So what’s a person to do? Well, as I mentioned this morning, taking Betaine is a great start; even digestive enzymes until the system shows signs of stability. Including fresh ginger root and butter, for the butyric acid, in your diet helps with the neurochemistry of the gut as well as supports the immune system. Ghee is a better option because it contains more butyric acid; however, can be a bit pricey making butter a more than suitable substitute as we’re going for the butyric acid ...

Beyond that, I just reformulated my digestive salve and created a new blend that works in tandem with the salve. Together they stabilize the autonomic nervous system, assist the parasympathetic nervous system, slow down the production of oxidative stress by increasing nitric oxide synthase function, improving upon the body’s use of fats, proteins and carbs as well as the production of the noted amino acids, ease digestive discomfort, support the cardiovascular and respiratory systems as well as mental clarity and mood.

Please let me know if you have any questions on this or other topics you’d like to hear more on.