Neutralizing Stomach Acid with Aromagenomics
Recent client concerns have centered around acid reflux, heartburn, GERD and now peptic ulcers. First of all, I had no idea so many of people struggled with these types of digestive discomforts. Not to mention, I have no idea how one knows the difference since I’ve never even had indigestion … including when I was pregnant. And this is interesting to me.
Nitric oxide synthase is responsible for producing both nitric oxide AND reactive oxygen species depending on the needs of the body. Although this may sound like a strange thing to say, it’s a fact. The human body is designed to produce both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory chemicals accordingly. Said another way, the body is designed to protect itself (survive) as well as thrive.
As a side note,: our continued existence is not even a consideration when it comes to physically surviving this world. It’s the nature of the organism that either lives or dies …. depending on the genetics and degree of stress
Regardless, alterations to the nitric oxide synthase complex initiates any number of health issues which can include mental, digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory and / or immune …
Take peptic ulcers as an example. According to News Medical Sciences, a paper published in 1967 reports that peptic ulcers “appeared in families with dominant and obsessional mothers.” The treatment at the time was eat bland food, get plenty of rest and take a medication that blocked the production of new acid and neutralized existing acid. Although this provided the necessary relief, it didn’t stop an from developing another ulcer.
In searching for the cause of peptic ulcers, many searches suggest gastritis, a condition that evolves from either a bacterial infection or an overproduction of gastric acid. What is ‘gastric acid’ exactly other than stomach acid?
While we understand that gastric acid is acid found in the stomach, there are two types. Specifically, hydrochloric and peroxynitrous. Just like the body needs nitric oxide for certain reasons, other times, it makes the necessary changes to produce other chemicals for the sake of defense i.e. hydrogen peroxide, peroxynitrite and perxynitrous acid. When life is good and minimally stressed … the body consistently produces hydrochloric acid which is used to sterilize the food before it enters the bowels, helping to regulate gut flora as well as initiate the break down of macronutrients .. carbs, protein and fats. However, when the body is on high alert for one reason or another, peroxynitrous acid replaces hydrochloric acid as it is used to eliminate any threatening microbes such as helicobacter pylori (H pylori).
You might wonder what if there isn’t a bacteria to neutralize? Well, that’s just it. The purpose of any reactive oxygen species, reactive nitrogen species or other pro-inflammatory chemical is protection. And, as soon as the threat is past, the organism goes back to a relaxed chemical state. If you look at this diagram of a plant’s reaction to the stress of high temperatures, you will note the expression of stress proteins. Peroxynitrite is used in the oxidation of proteins, hence chemicals like peroxynitrous acid. In other words, the production of any of these chemicals is in direct response to a potential threat. Bacterium do not need to be present for peroxynitrous acid to be present. If the body slows down the digestive process as it does when taxed, larger, unusable protein and glucose particles begin circulating throughout the body, adding to the stress.
I’ve said it before and will continue to do so, the body cannot distinguish the difference between large protein particle or bacteria. It’s simply an unusable compound that ‘must be eliminated’. So, peroxynitrous acid makes sense. Yet, long term exposure to this particular acid is destructive and what leads to many health conditions from nerve damaging autoimmune disorders to acid reflux, ulcers and even ulcerative colitis. In many respects, we are being burned alive due to the intensity of this point on our timeline.
We have an insanely toxic environment with all forms of chemicals being produced to excess. Besides the chemicals we see listed on product labels, there are the additional nano-sized elements. These are super concentrated doses which are allowed to be left off the label due to being only a minute fragment of the total product volume. Yet, they matter to the formula as they enhance uptake, absorption, product protection and so on. Of course there are other stress factors threatening the body, including our minds, making it exceptionally important to begin neutralizing our thoughts and emotions as one of the first steps to neutralizing damaging stomach acid.
I just finished a Zoom chat today on this topic. In the video, I talk about stoicism and taoism as vital to the Aromagenomics method. The following is the abstract from a study done in 2007 I found on PubMed:
The brain is the key organ of the response to stress because it determines what is threatening and, therefore, potentially stressful, as well as the physiological and behavioral responses which can be either adaptive or damaging. Stress involves two-way communication between the brain and the cardiovascular, immune, and other systems via neural and endocrine mechanisms. Beyond the "flight-or-fight" response to acute stress, there are events in daily life that produce a type of chronic stress and lead over time to wear and tear on the body ("allostatic load"). Yet, hormones associated with stress protect the body in the short-run and promote adaptation ("allostasis"). The brain is a target of stress, and the hippocampus was the first brain region, besides the hypothalamus, to be recognized as a target of glucocorticoids. Stress and stress hormones produce both adaptive and maladaptive effects on this brain region throughout the life course. Early life events influence life-long patterns of emotionality and stress responsiveness and alter the rate of brain and body aging. The hippocampus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex undergo stress-induced structural remodeling, which alters behavioral and physiological responses. As an adjunct to pharmaceutical therapy, social and behavioral interventions such as regular physical activity and social support reduce the chronic stress burden and benefit brain and body health and resilience.
Please keep in mind, that the brain cannot determine the difference between a true or perceived threat. This is where our awareness is an important factor in influencing its ultimate response. Clearly the brain is key in our overall physiology, enchanting the mind-gut relationship.
Both stoicism and taoism teach the importance of neutrality … not being motivated by our emotions, but taking actions that align with the natural course of action. In other words, going with the flow rather attempting to contrive or force something to happen. The current healthcare model suggests control. Aromagenomics encourages fluidity and adaptability. In doing so, we animate both ease and comfort. This alone generates epigenetic changes for neutralizing and stabilizing oxidative processes, lowering acidity.
You’re right, this does not eliminate symptoms which is essential to reducing stress. Therefore, taking steps that align with stress relief initiates symptom relief and vice versa …
So what actions does Aromagenomics recommend for stomach acidity?
1) take a betaine plus HP or HCL supplement
2) take quercetin for soothing the immune system and lowering histamine
3) use ionic zinc in a glass of water everyday as a natural aromatase inhibitor
4) take ashwagandha to assist with a more effective use of cortisol
5) limit caffeine as it increases cortisol
6) take a tablespoon of coconut oil everyday
7) eat fresh ginger root
8) take maca root everyday as it supports neurological, cardiovascular and hormonal health
9) drink aloe vera juice until the burning vanishes
Essential oil suggestions are as follows although they are not suitable for everyone as systemic symptoms vary between people:
1) benzoin soothes both the autonomic nervous and immune systems
2) oils with gerianol to support MTHFR and glutathione
3) oils with alpha pinene supports acetylcholine
4) oils with 1,8 cineole supports nitric oxide
5) oils with carvone support the transfer of methyl groups
6) oils with beta caryophyllene
The focus with all of this is to calm the stress response. Maybe you have mostly digestive concerns. Maybe you struggle with anxiety OR possibly depression. These factors matter in your oil selection just your list of medications does.
Maybe we focus on just the digestive system or maybe we should consider enhancing our mind and calming our emotions with oils. There are a number of possibilities which is why I am now sharing my recommendations in a series of books to better assist you with improving your body’s ability to heal.