Your Choice: Defy or Rely on the Power of Nature
Healing is for the courageous.
I wrote this line originally as a blurb for my contribution in a Halloween Anthology. If you’re new to me, I’m also a scribe for In The Pantheon. I started out as the voice of Panacea and now write for Circe. Both goddesses of the magic, if you will, of healing.
There are no mistakes. Even though writing for them exercises my creative voice, rather than my technical one, it remains an example of pure self-expression. In other words, I’ve discovered that assisting people with their ability to heal is my mission.
In a recent conversation about gene hacking, I came upon some interesting material with further investigation. One talk in particular called ‘The Human Genome is Full of Potential Exploits’ reveals the light and dark side of studying the human genome. As I reviewed the discussion I learned a new term … digital biology…..
Yes, I looked into that as well. Let’s just say, it has nothing to do with taking a biology course online.
In summary, scientists are intent on replicating nature. While it seems obvious given the fact that we have medications with very specific actions, I first learned of this desire during the development of my first course Breaking the Cycle of Disease Management (which is included when you enroll in the Aromagenomics program). It’s essentially the reason we have organic chemistry. At the same time, nineteenth century scientists couldn’t foresee being able to reproduce the invisible force influencing the actions of nature. Fast forward to the twenty first century and that’s no longer the case.
In May of this year (2020 for those of you reading this in the future), I published a post titled, ‘The Life and Times of a Virus | Building Immune Resilience’ As I searched through many studies believing that the body is better equipped than we’re being led to believe, I happened upon a study out of the UNM computer science department. It seems students are exploring the human immune system in an attempt to build resiliency within a computer system! And now with the Human Genome Project, science is clearly on a mission. Although some may get excited by the idea of precision medicine, there is an upside and a downside to force regardless of the technology, and that’s how I see our innovations. Unpredictable; whether you’re defying or relying on nature.
The only way I see potential predictability is through creating a world of AI (artificial intelligence) and doing away with humans. And even then, there’s really no guarantee that all will go as expected. If we’re building computers to mimic a life force, it leaves room for an organic experience. Keep in mind, organic chemistry was born out of the successful combination of 2 inorganic compounds that produced urea, an organic chemical. Therefore, organic substances made in a lab do not passes a life force; however, they do enact such activity. This doesn’t make them better or worse. It simply means they’re influential. Knowing how to mix synthetic and natural compounds is necessary for as long as we’re human. Nevertheless, programming computer processors to behave in a similar fashion to nature leaves room for an unpredictable future at best.
On the other hand, when we rely on the nature of nature, we’re acting in faith.
Faith is not passive, nor is it aggressive. It’s responsive, cooperative, and above all bold. Some may say it’s risky. I say this is just fear talking. Life is a risk …
Faith is not a ‘kumbaya’ moment. It’s an act of participation and a willingness to support our Divine nature. This means we must first surrender the need to be a force to be reckoned with, and be ready to follow the guidance that offers stability. This is an exercise in the head following the heart.
Again, this is not suggesting natural is better or more effective than synthetic. Quite honestly, we design organic chemicals to act like natural ones. As you may know, many medications are very specific in the way they affect our chemistry. This is one big reason we have to know what we’re mixing. What’s more, natural compounds are not as concentrated, making manmade ones a wiser choice in some cases while influencing balance with naturally derived remedies such as essential oils.
Whether a person takes medications or not, adopting a more proactive approach with essential oils is an act of faith in his or her Divine Nature. This goes for those living with an illness, a series of ‘unrelated’ symptoms, experiencing some degree of undetermined discomfort or nothing at all. Given the state of our current environment, the chance of developing a significant health issue at some point in this lifetime is increasingly good.
This is the foundation of Aromagenomics.
With that said, my way of thanking you for taking the time to read this is to offer 7 days access to the program. My hope is you’ll love it and remain in the group. Remember, a paid enrollment gives you lifetime access to ongoing research, suggestions, discussions, consultations and guidance. If you’re ready to sign up now … click here
I appreciate you and wish you well!