Your Misguided Beliefs About Having a Healthy Body

According to the Beastie Boys, “it’s time to get ill”. I say ….

It’s time to get well!

Your head is attached to your body!

As defined by the Cleveland Clinic, the nervous system is: “Your body's command center. Originating from your brain, it controls your movements, thoughts and automatic responses to the world around you. It also controls other body systems and processes, such as digestion, breathing (heart rate, elimination, perspiration, etc) and sexual development (also known as puberty)”

Therefore, allow me to bottom line this for you. Your physical health is regulated and influenced by your brain and nervous system.

So the next question for you is, “Does this knowledge suggest your brain is defective if you’re managing chronic health issues?”

Absolutely not!

Yet, a form of this very idea is something you and I are consistently led to believe. Since your childhood, professional statements and guidance have informed the public that the human body is defective. Even the companies pushing saliva DNA tests and the clinicians that review them describe the epigenome / methylation pathway as exactly that; using such phrases as: genetic mutations or genetic defects. As a means of further underscoring the explanation, these organizations define your genetic alterations as SNP’s (pronounced: snips)

I began walking in my sleep before the age of four. My mother has shared interesting stories of how I would ‘all of a sudden’ be at her feet whether sleeping in the bathroom or nursing my sister. This activity not only continued as I got older, it became increasingly more intense as it involved me seeing a variety of human figures along with other images invisible to my parent’s eyes.

According to The Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, Australia, “sleepwalking occurs in healthy children, and it is not usually related to significant emotional or psychological problems.” (I emphasize the word ‘usually’ as it is an important word with the meaning: under normal conditions, generally).

How is sleep walking considered a normal condition or something that occurs generally?

Take a look at this statistic. sleep walking occurs in as many as 17 percent of children This from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Yet, when you read the linked PDF provided, you’ll see the normalization of a disorder.

“Sleepwalking tends to be a fairly normal part of a child’s development, peaking by the age of eight to 12 years. When they were younger most children who sleepwalk had another parasomnia called confusional arousals. Sleepwalking is more common when one parent has a history of the disorder, and it is much more common if both parents were sleepwalkers.”

This language / description is hugely disturbing: #1: it relates to a fairly small percentage of children, and #2: it confuses parents by qualifying it as ‘fairly normal’, and finishing up by linking it to ‘a family history of the disorder’.

Sleep walking is not normal. It is, in fact, a disorder as also noted by the National Institute of Health.

“Parasomnias (which includes sleep walking) have a genetic and clinical link with nocturnal-frontal lobe epilepsies; possibly through an abnormality of the acetylcholine-related sleep-control system. The association of NREM (non-rapid eye movement) parasomnias with the human leukocyte antigen system might be the sign of an autoimmune background to be further clarified.”

My sleep walking ended between the ages of 12 and 13; however, my night terrors (where I woke everyone in the house with shouting and screaming for almost 40 years) along with jaw clenching continued until I adapted my use of essential oils to be less about controlling the body and more about soothing it.

In 2019, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and arthritis throughout my body.

Although neither one of these health conditions runs in my family, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s do. While this may seem unrelated to you, which is what the conventional medical mindset wants you to believe, they are absolutely connected.

What’s the link?


Acetylcholine is both an excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter that is the primary signaling chemical involved in regulating the body’s ability to survive as well as thrive as it influences both anti-inflammatory AND inflammatory activities via selective neuronal and non-neuronal receptors.

Translated, this means when the DNA is ‘notified’ of a threat to the system / organism it signals a need to shift from anti-inflammatory functions to inflammatory. Although this is meant to be a temporary reaction, today’s culture is consistently inundated with mental, emotional and environmental stressors.

As the body reacts to a stressor, the digestive and lymph systems slow while other functions increase such as respiration and heart rate. Again, this is meant to be an intermittent experience, not a 24 / 7 marathon. Therefore, undigested particles of glucose and protein are left circulating throughout the body which now registers as another stressor and alerts the DNA to activate immune activity, also known as macrophages, mast cells, histamine and cytokines to name a few.

The release of these chemicals leads to a cascade of additional inflammatory chemicals that incite the production of oxidative stress. In the case of osteoarthritis and breast cancer, although seemingly unrelated, are influenced by the activation of the alpha7 cholinergic (nicotinic) receptor.

In the world of medicine, scientists identify agonists, chemicals that initiate enzymatic processes as well as the antagonists which do the opposite. Alpha7 cholinergic (nicotinic) receptors, when activated, are known to be involved with oncogenesis (tumor production) and inflammation.

Now, before you jump into thinking alpha7 cholinergic (nicotinic) receptors are BAD .. please don’t. The body needs these receptors as they have quite a few purposes, one of which is to protect you from viruses by producing interleukin 6 as well as several others.

There is a reason for every chemical the body makes. Yet, not one of them is meant to go uninterrupted. The body has cycles, therefore, every neurotransmitter and hormone have a variety of purposes, including acetylcholine.

Yet, with an epigenome reacting to an onslaught of stressors, every day, all day long there is no telling how one body will ultimately respond over time.

However, there are a few facts about acetylcholine and your health as well as mine that can be paralleled:

1) no one is immune to mental, emotional and environmental stressors, including babies in utero

2) the story goes, a newborn inherits his or her mother’s digestive system .. although this is an accurate statement, a more precise way of saying it is an infant inherits the effects of their parents reactions to stressors, especially that of the mother which impacts the use of acetylcholine in the digestive system:

a) acetylcholine is used to stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid which not only is needed in the break down of carbohydrates, protein and fats, it also sterilizes the foods you eat which helps maintain gut flora homreostasis. Yet, as mom struggles to maintain a healthy microbiome, the potential for botulism to enter the gut is real and the botulinum toxin blocks acetylcholine interfering with immunity (read more about this in c))

b) acetylcholine is necessary for smooth muscle relaxation and bowel movements

c) in 2003, ‘the parasympathetic vagal nerve (w)as been put forward as an integral part of an immune regulation network via its release of Ach (acetylcholine), a system coined “the cholinergic anti-inflammatory reflex.’

3) ongoing systemic distress shows up as unusual behaviors in the beginning .. do not let one person tell you: these things happen in healthy children … they don’t! True health and wellness looks like comfort, not distress.

Parasomnia, insomnia, anxiety, meltdowns, pain … are not signs of comfort or wellness!

4) the degeneration of health looks different between you and me because we’re wired differently. This is why customizing your use of essential oils, or any health modality, is necessary for optimal results. Yet, including essential oils as a lifestyle is the difference between managing health issues and winning at wellness.

Before I close, here are a couple interesting discoveries I want to share with you:

1) menthol ~ found in peppermint, cornmint and countless commercial products is an alpha7 cholinergic (nicotinic) receptor agonist THIS means it stimulates the production of inflammation and will aggravate inflammation and potentially make matters worse. Therefore, limit your use of peppermint and mentholated products to times when you have a fever / viral infection. Plus, NEVER combine cigarette smoking with ANY menthol product.

2) carvacrol ~ found in mountain savory, oregano, and a few others, is an alpha7 cholinergic (nicotinic) receptor antagonist and will not only relieve the inflammation, but prevent the production of it in the synovial joints as well as tumor AND cytokine production (indicated in all autoimmune disorders)

3) beta caryophyllene ~ is a cannabinoid found in many essential oils including copaiba, black pepper, helichrysum, myrrh, ylang plus a few more AND it is also an alpha7 cholinergic (nicotinic) receptor antagonist. THIS makes me SO happy as carvacrol is neurotoxic when used long term and you and I deserve to have the ability to help our body minimize the inflammatory reactions.

Additional essential oil ideas for helping the body regulate its use of acetylcholine

1) frankincense carterri

2) helichrysum (from bosnia)

3) turmeric

4) cypress

5) angelica root

6) juniperberry

(there are more AND the point is to inform you that despite your early childhood or current health experiences, it is absolutely possible to assist your system with finding a balanced state that promotes more comfort now as it starts the process of resetting itself back to a state of true wellness)

I appreciate you reading this post and welcome your comments and questions down below! I am committed to bringing forth a mindset that offers a chance to win rather than a lifetime of degeneration.

Our children deserve better! With that said, I support women with chronic health issues as well as expectant mothers. Schedule your FREE comprehensive consultation today, and receive your customized essential oil suggestions along with how to use them!

If you’d like to show your appreciation for this material with a donation, I am very grateful for your offering as it keeps me in the flow of research and giving back to you.