3 Tips for Telling Your Body 'Thank You'

Honestly, one of the hardest things for me to hear is when someone gets ‘mad’ at their body for coughing, sneezing, being sick, in pain and so on…

This isn’t to say I don’t appreciate or understand the aggravation of discomfort … just to be clear, I am human and totally get the frustration with not feeling good or well. However, through the years of study, I’ve come across some incredible insights that ONLY lead me to appreciate every systemic nuance as not only vital but worthy of love ..

Therefore, I offer:

3 Tips for Telling Your Body ‘Thank You’

  1. see the symptom as a gift … to me, this is this THE most important! Maybe you don’t like the word gift; so, instead of the word ‘gift’, consider it to be an a sign the that body IS, in fact, working to keep you alive. You may not like the current situation BUT, you are alive and that is because your body is doing all that it can to help you survive the chemical shit storm you reside in ….

  2. see the issue as a message … in other words, it’s an invitation to show up and participate. I know this comment will more than likely raise some eyebrows and quite possibly a few emotions and it is true! More often than not, many people choose pills and other remedies to quell the discomfort; however, what’s truly necessary if healing is the intention | goal | desire is is our involvement . All too often, we stop at ache, pain, anxiety, etc and take the appropriate remedy; yet, what the body is really signaling is a need for change. Whether it’s a change in diet, lifestyle, way of thinking, or, or, or ... change is the message and awareness is the way to move forward….

  3. choose your words - while this may seem like a strange thing to say, think about the way you speak to yourself or for that matter your choice of words in any number of situations. As an example, think about all the ways we talk about how things affect us i.e. ‘that makes me sick or nervous .. this is painful or maddening …. What’s more, stop suggesting you’d ‘die for something; what if you ‘stood for something’? In all honesty, the list of negative thoughts is potentially endless …. however, the only way to make a difference with our current situation is to pay attention to what we say (first) and then mindfully agreeing to shift it in order to be in better alignment with want we want to experience when it comes to health or for that matter, any aspect of life. Our words are powerful and ultimately affect our reality. Unfortunately, going south with our thoughts virtually goes unnoticed because it is SO common! Don’t believe me? Look around you ; listen in … what other clichés do you hear? Who’s willing to give up their eye tooth or right arm for something? How did the role models in your life speak? …. This is what I’m getting at .. it’s so habitual that statements like these just fall from our lips without hesitation. What’s more when pointed out, many people often say, ‘they’re just words’ …. and we know words will never hurt us …. Isn’t that the idiom many of us were raised with?. Well, it may be a great tool of deflection; however, the way we relate to those words absolutely has an effect on our system. Not to mention, when we think poorly of something, our choices typically follow suit which is why seeing something in a positive light inspires us to be more mindful and responsive rather than reactionary. ‘the body achieves what the mind believes’ … this means when symptoms are present so is inflammation AND inflammation is the body’s reaction to the messages coming in. While the body is keeping us alive, it’s reacting and our mindset either aggravates or soothes. Think about this for a moment: when you’re anxious about something, are you thinking clearly .. chances are the answer is no which is why we turn to others to help us find a way out of the ‘mess’. This is what the body is asking of us …..

Therefore, start changing the way you relate to your body! It is NOT your enemy, nor is it defective … your body is a machine, of sorts, that requires partnership for optimal function. It’s funny, we want to claim body wisdom; yet, we don’t honor it. Instead. we think we know better because we have a brain!

The human body is just another organism found in nature .. much like bacteria, virus, amoeba, planst and so on … the difference is our brain. What’s fascinating to me, is we don’t realize that we are as separate from our bodies as we are from the planes, trains, and automobiles we travel in …

Hmmmm …

That’s right .. we are not our body .. we are passengers … or more appropriately said … designated navigators and just like we appreciate all the bells, whistles and alarms on our vehicles .. it would help to see symptoms as the same on the body. It’s very rare I hear someone speak poorly of their vehicle without retracting right away … consider doing the same for your body …

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