4 Steps for How to Get Rid of Yeast Naturally
A few signs of a yeast over growth or candidiasis as it’s also called, are:
skin and nail fungal infections
recurring genital or urinary tract infections
digestive issues
joint pain
mood disorders
oral thrush
body odor
Where does it come from? Well, I could list the apparent culprit issues; however, I’d prefer to bottom line it .. a body impacted by chronic stress. Now if you’re new to me, please know, I’m not just talking mental and emotional; I’m including environmental in this as well which includes both internal as well as external which means lifestyle is a factor. That said, there is no blame here because I’ve gotten to understand the core physiological changes that occur due to a body being chronically stressed.
What are the changes that lead to yeast? (Learn about this and more when you join my email list)
Before answering that question, allow me to say that the human body is host to a number of viruses, bacteria and yeast; hence, the term overgrowth. However, when the system is taxed, for any number of reasons, the fight or flight mechanism is kicked into high gear, requiring acetylcholine to signal activity. This is significant for this discussion because acetylcholine is also required for optimal digestion; however, when the stress mechanism is activated, the chemistry shifts which reduces the body’s ability to break down glucose and protein (which opens doors for discussion on leaky gut). Nonetheless, with larger macro nutrient particles circulating throughout the body, the immune system becomes activated leading to histamine intolerance and an overgrowth of yeast. Why? Not because the immune system is weak .. because glucose isn’t being fully used and converted into other sugars for energy as well as nerve and brain health.
Now we run into carb and sugar cravings… why? Not because you or anyone is weak and lacking willpower … your body is in need of energy as well as sugar for neurological health and then some. BUT, the yeast feeds on it; increasing the development of even more yeast which stresses the body even more….. Did I mention, vicious cycle?
Therefore, the 4 steps for getting rid of yeast
reduce your intake of phytoestrogens ~ I know we hear a lot about their health benefits; yet, the world is full of xenoestrogens … 70,000 and counting that act like estrogen in the body which is, besides being a reproductive hormone, the primary signaling molecule that influences autonomic activity as well as that of the immune system; hence, autoimmune issues. Therefore, cutting back on soy and products that contain soy is advantageous as well as flax and a few others like whole grains … maybe, just maybe, the gluten isn’t as much of a problem ?!?!
minimize the use of commercial personal care products … make your own. A great recipe I have for skin care that can be used on face, hands, feet, elbows, etc consists of raw beeswax, unrefined shea butter, callophyllum and a splash of olive oil (you can use coconut but between the beeswax and shea butter, using a liquid oil helps with smoothing ability)). That said, depending on how much you’re making at one time, I use equal amounts of beeswax and shea butter, add half the amount of calphyllum and top it off slightly with olive oil. Let it firm before using. The benefits are moisturizing as well as promoting phagocytosis whereby bacteria and dead cells are removed, enhancing skin quality.
eliminate or at least reduce the use of estrogenic essential oils as well as those that directly influence hormones i.e. lavender, tea tree, geranium, blue tansy, clary sage, rosemary
use essential oils that not only reduce overgrowth but stabilize digestion as well as nitric oxide synthase production (altered function of this genetic complex is linked to both autonomic and immune activation). Therefore, consider include cinnamon leaf or bark as they support NADH (glycolysis) as well as inactivate unnecessary microbes, laurel leaf (if not taking medications), cilantro, marjoram sweet as both soothe the parasympathetic nervous system and support, digestion; and coriander for those suffering from digestive disturbances plus it also supports autonomic function
When we approach yeast from this perspective, we’re not only reducing the build up, we’re supporting the body in preventing this from happening again. Do you need to keep using the oils?
Well, I’ll say it like this … floss the teeth you want to keep. In other words, given the world we live in, I think it’s a good idea to stick with something similar. Clearly you are prone to this type of development; therefore, supporting your system to keep on top is more than likely best.
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