The Life and Times of a Virus | Building Immune Resilience

The information shared here is not meant to offend or alarm anyone. The purpose is to simply inform and provide an empowered point of view. Please be advised, it does not replace the advice of any medical professional; although, it does offer a few insights into why our current medical treatments are temporary at best; including vaccines.

While we have just over 100 antibiotics for fighting bacterial infections, managing viruses requires a very different approach.Sometimes an antiviral is selected, other times doctors try a vaccine, even during an active infection, or they administer other medications that influence alternate immune reactions. Nevertheless, the choice in antivirals is minimal because viruses are nothing like bacteria. Yes, they are both invisible to the eye;
yet, that’s the only similarity.

To fight off a bacterium, the body produces a number of chemicals with white blood cells and hydrogen peroxide being the first line of defense. Viruses, on the other hand, are neutralized with antibodies through the binding and activation of specific genetic receptors. This is what makes the study of a new viral strain complex and incredibly stressful, especially during a crisis. Nevertheless, the bottom line is determining how the virus is changing the DNA so that ‘we’ might better assist the body to eliminate it.

That’s right, viruses actually invade the cells of their host. Therefore, to ‘kill’ a virus means we would also be destroying our own cells. This makes no sense at all.

An antiviral vaccine introduces antigens into the body which is designed to stimulate the production of antibodies for a certain viral strain. This is why there is so much frantic research currently going on and what makes viral treatments, including vaccines … temporary. Why? Because viruses are living organisms, like plants, animals, humans and bacteria. The only reason anything continues to survive in this world is the result of adaptation.

To be clear, in 2002, the world experienced a SARS pandemic; also a coronavirus. Scientists successfully developed a vaccine; however, that strain, believe it or not, disappeared. Today’s coronavirus, COVID19, is a version of the 2002 SARS strain, just seemingly more contagious.

Let’s Talk Numbers
The number of cells in the human body:

1)     Human cells: range between 30 and 40 trillion

2)    Bacterial: approximately 100 trillion (about 2 to 5 pounds of your body weight)

3)    Viral: it’s estimated to be over 380 trillion

Take that in for a minute. Now, many scientists assure us that these aren’t the dangerous ones. In my opinion, none of them are dangerous unless something disrupts their balance. (bear with me here)

There is this thing called symbiosis in nature. This is why we see moss and other plant life growing on trees and rocks. Or why enemy animals can live in the same region; they simply respect each other’s territories and hunt at different times. Animals are only dangerous to humans when we pose a threat to their lives.

The same can be said for viruses and bacteria. They are not a problem until their environment is threatened ...

Sit with that for a moment. They are not dangerous until their environment is threatened, and just like an animal they will attack in response to danger. Viruses and bacteria are living organisms with their very own DNA.

What’s endangering them? Dare I say, man? Said another way, the technology of man. From antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antiseptic products to chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and more. You see, as viruses and bacteria live in the human body, they also live throughout nature, in animals, plants and the soil. Even though a vaccine may stop or prevent a specific virus from hurting the body just as an antibiotic can eliminate a certain bacterium, it does not stop any of them from adapting and becoming stronger or more resistant. In fact, scientists understand that viruses evolve rather quickly due to their unique genetic sequences … just like the human epigenome.

Take Epstein Barr, for instance. Once the symptoms go away, the virus goes dormant (asleep) only to be
‘awakened’ with the reintroduction of one or more forms of stress; mental, emotional or environmental. The same can be said for Lyme and several others. As a side note, at least 95% of the adult population around the world has the Epstein Barr virus in their body and may not even know it.

Again, these microbes are not a problem until the environment is no longer stable. At the same time, both bacteria and viruses offer a number of benefits.

What we know:


1)     Assist decomposition in soil and in our gut

2)    Have a crucial role in turning atmospheric nitrogen into ammonium or nitrates that plants then absorb to create amino and nucleic acids, the building blocks of DNA

3)    Involved inte the precipitation process, leading to snow and rain

4)    Certain types digest toxic substances i.e. heavy metals and synthetic organic chemicals into less harmful ones

5)    Assist with the break down of plant matter and fiber

6)    Support the immune system

7)    Maintain the pH and acidity level in stomach

8)   Controls the environment of the skin

9) Prime our immune system, reducing the chance of developing severe allergies or asthma like problems (scientists are reporting that children  sheltered from bacteria are more prone to develop asthma and allergies)

Viruses consistently alter the DNA of cells benefitting our inner and outer world in the following ways:

1)   The regulation of bacterial colonies

2)   Their anticancer effects due to their ability to modify genetic expression

3)   Disease prevention; hence, vaccines

4)   Involved with fertility and the initiation of birth

5)   Resistance to infection such as food poisoning

To say all of this a different way; there is a good reason for everything. Our current way of thinking suggests that certain things are bad whether it’s man or nature made. The truth is everything has the potential to be dangerous. The most influential statement my father regularly repeated was, ‘everything in moderation.’ It’s a fact that I’ve only come to appreciate this statement since focusing on human health and nature.

To me, it means anything in excess is unstable.

1)   Histamine is a chemical made by the body but frequently blamed for many health problems such as brain fog, irritability, anxiety, depression, memory, sleep troubles, rashes, itchy skin, and so on. It is the chemical that produces the mucus in colds and flu; however, the more important purpose is it is a sign the DNA has been triggered by some form of stress.

2)  Cortisol is produced to regulate histamine, making it an anti-inflammatory, among many things. We know it as the stress hormone (it is … stress activated histamine so cortisol is now required); however, too much of it leads to adrenal fatigue, addictive behavior, blood sugar and thyroid issues, plus more.

3)  Aromatase, although seen as the bad chemical behind breast cancer, prostate cancer, and autoimmune disorders, it’s actually produced in order to regulate cortisol by changing certain hormones into estrogen.

The list goes on; yet, the point is although we think something is bad, there is a reason for everything which is the foundation of my work. Tell me something’s harmful and I will seek to know what’s good about it. This is why I am talking about viruses and bacteria.

Yes, they have the potential to cause problems but only when there’s too much of one thing. And that’s only to restore balance … it’s definitely not a malicious need to be bigger, stronger or better.  

Stress is simply a disruption of balance.

An important point:
many children are born with asthma or develop asthma and other health
conditions shortly after birth. This is not the fault of the parent. I say this
because in #9 under bacteria, I mention the way they reduce our chances of
developing allergies and asthma.

In an ideal world,
this is a fact. We do not live in an ideal world. Environmental chemicals are
disrupting hormonal and immune function in every body, regardless of age.

In April, I attempted to submit my discoveries and solutions to one of the top medical journals in the world, JAMA, only to be told my manuscript ‘did not fit their editorial criteria’.

While this is a rather vague statement, I knew exactly what I had done. I was and am challenging the current approach to protecting human health. You see, my suggestions were / are based on the information I share
here which involves building immune resilience.

Viruses, in their own way, are sneaky. Many are already hiding in our cells. The reason why COVID19 is so contagious is because the body is overworked … excessively stressed …. working to protect us from many things not in our control.

1)   Environmental chemicals such as mouthwash, antibacterial soaps, household cleaners, fertilizers, commercial lotions and scents, plastics, pesticides, factory and care emissions, and the list goes on

2)  An overgrowth of environmental microbes

3) Light waves from too much sunlight, xrays, cell phone and internet signals. With the recent launch of 5G which affects everyone, not just the people with the devices. This communication technology was developed to transmit signals over great distances without wires; yet, with thick walls and more people using them, they worked to strengthen the signal. This is why we now have 5G; however, countries and states only started using this technology in 2019. In fact, 5G was launched in Wuhan, China, the very location where the coronavirus started. Please know, I am not suggesting some type of conspiracy. It just seems that ‘we’ don’t understand or disregarding the full effect of such technology. Unfortunately, no one is saying much, if anything, about it; however, light waves are recognized for their influence on genetic expression. This is one factor in the chemistry of plants or why xrays are potentially dangerous. It’s the reason we use radiation to treat cancer and why the Russians use 5G (also known as millimeter waves) to treat certain health issues .. light influences change along the DNA. Then again, light does not know the difference between a DNA of a plant, human or virus. It simply penetrates the cell and the DNA responds to the stressful event. The point is, as it influences our cell health, it also affects everything it ‘touches’, making coronavirus, or any life form, unpredictable. What makes the entire thing dangerous is the addition of all the chemicals we’re using to protect us from the bad microbes. But again, how does an antimicrobial chemical know what’s good or bad? It doesn’t. It’s just designed to kill.

4)  Temperature is also a form of stress that has both good and bad effects.

And of course our thoughts and feelings about everyday life … which we have the ability to control if we so choose.

I just uploaded a video that discusses these changes to the DNA in a bit more detail

Whew … that was a lot of information! So, is it hopeless?


What do we do?

Well, in prior posts and videos, I offered essential oil suggestions for combatting viruses and congestion with the top 5 being:

1)  Ho leaf (cinnamomum camphora)

2)  Laurel leaf (laurus nobilis)

3)  Lemongrass (cymbopogon flexuosus)

4)  Lemon (citrus limonum)

5)  Black pepper (piper nigrum)

The reason these are excellent choices is because they often contain:

1)  Methyleugenol

2)  Alpha pinene

3)  Gerianol

Mind you, it’s not common for any one of them to contain all 3 which is why using more than one oil is recommended.

The reason these constituents are important:

1)   Methyleugenol supports DNA function. The pathway with which this chemical communicates is a monitoring system used to notify the DNA of a threat or that all is safe.

2)   Alpha pinene activates the genetic receptors that allow muscles to relax which is essential during a respiratory problem, including but not limited to asthma, COPD and COVID19

3)  Gerianol supports the production of glutathione as well as the folate cycle

A couple important thoughts about this:

1)  None of the listed essential oils are recommended for long term use, especially if you take blood thinners, sedatives or antidepressants

2)  The constituents in essential oils influence genetic expression just like light and viruses which means it is not limited to human cells. This is what makes them exceptionally beneficial in helping to regulate the viruses and bacteria in our body, building our resilience, preventing an overgrowth as they also stabilize our system, assisting with the reduction and elimination of oxidative stress and inflammation.

The second point listed explains how essential oils help us during a viral or bacterial infection. They do not kill, they simply neutralize these microbes due to their influence on the DNA which is why I recommend them
for everything, including digestion, a vital process when it comes healthy brain and immune function and essential if taking medications.

In fact, my latest video, although about mental health issues, applies to every health issue …

They stimulate the release of acetylcholine in the gut which is necessary for breaking food down, regulating gut flora and facilitating healthy bowel movements.

That said, we absolutely benefit from taking digestive enzymes that include bromelain, papain, pancreatin, lipase, amylase as well as a hydrochloric acid supplements such as Betaine plus HP

However, probiotics are only necessary if you’re taking an antibiotic; otherwise, yogurt, sauerkraut and other fermented foods are plenty for probiotics, and ONLY if you do not take medications!. Just keep in mind that too many ‘good bacteria’ upset the gut flora and lead to more problems; therefore, limit your fermented foods to once or twice a week … again, only if you’re not taking medications.

With all of this said, you know your body. Some people do fine eating fermented foods more frequently, and others don’t. The suggestions I make are just that, suggestions; please feel free to adjust them as it suits
you. Yet, one word of advice. Do not take essential oils by mouth. We are much better served by putting them on the skin, in a bath or under the nose.

Another constituent recommended for supporting DNA function is beta caryophyllene. Now this one is both excellent and tricky because it does not mix well with any medication; therefore, please do not use for more than a day at a time if taking a prescription.

The best oil suggestions containing beta caryophyllene ..

1)  Copaiba (copaifera langsdorfii)

2)  Helichrysum (helichrysum italicum)

3)  Holy basil (ocimum tenuiflorum L)

4)  Clove bud (eugenia cayophyllata)

5)  Myrrh (commiphora myrrha)

What’s interesting is these essential oils offer superb benefits to the entire body. All of them contain beta caryophyllene, while the holy basil and clove bud also contain methyleugenol and eugenol .. making these 2 exceptional choices for supporting DNA function and stabilizing the entire system. On the other hand, with the exception of myrrh, the top 4 are dangerous and cannot be used with any medications, including aspirin.

This is one point I attempted to make to the medical world. Essential oils do not necessarily take the place of medications, especially when dealing with severe and ongoing health issues, but they do have the ability to enhance the body’s response to medications, when used the right way.

What makes the coronavirus or other microbe dangerous? Misinformation.

While it’s true, bacteria and viruses, like COVID19, are potentially deadly when active, we’re also being told the human body is weak and vulnerable. This is only a fact due to the instability; however, as Albert Einstein once shared with us:

‘We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used
when we created them.’

Manmade chemicals are disrupting the balance of our world … inside and out.

I am not saying medications are bad and don’t have their place. Remember, I believe everything has the potential to beneficial and harmful.

I say more about medications in the previous blog post as well as below. In the meantime, it is especially important for us to shift the way we view and approach functional health for our children’s sake. They deserve to know a different way of supporting and protecting their health.

With this in mind, functional health begins with level-headed thinking.

There is no need to a lot of different things to fix or control the body. It’s important to remember the body is more than capable of doing everything necessary to stay alive. Our job is to give it a solid foundation of which to do just that. Therefore, when there are symptoms and / or discomfort, start with getting the necessary relief. However, please use caution with any sort of extensive detox plan.

1)  Excessive equals stress … keep that in mind

2) Symptoms and discomfort are signs of a stressed body. Stress leads to oxidative stress and inflammation as you know. Oxidative stress is a temporary process of protecting and rebuilding after which it’s supposed to switch off; otherwise, oxidative stress is toxic. So, a lot of steps to flush the body is useless for the simple fact, we will never be free of toxins given the inflammatory world we live in. Truthfully, too much does more harm than good.

Signs of rapid detox:

1)  Constipation

2) Headache

3)  Irritability

4)  Difficulty sleeping

Beyond this, relieving discomfort through your choice of modality is an essential step towards stress relief.

Next, focus on digestion with the items suggested earlier in this newsletter as well as the following:

1)  Vitamin B complex ~ preferably coenzymated, supports carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Simply take as directed. B vitamins are water soluble which means if you take too many, it’s a waste as the body flushes the excess out

2)  Magnesium oil instead of pills is the best form and the least likely form to interact with medications

I realize this sounds overly simple. It is.

Beginning with the digestive system promotes the complete breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats which increases nutrient usability. Partner this with essential oils, and the cells use of nutrition improves. This may be all somebody needs, especially if they’re not struggling with any health issues at the moment. In other cases, a person may need more. This is when individual assessments help determine ‘what’s first and what’s next’. However, the simpler the protocol, the easier it is to work with the body.

Then again, it’s no secret, we’ve been programmed to believe health is complicated. Ideally, it’s not. What makes it complex is chasing symptoms and overloading it with pills and oils (this is known as mega-dosing) all for the sake of quieting symptoms with no goal of systemic stability or thought of our future health.

What needs to change?

The time has come to be proactive in a reactive world.

What this means is … preventing future health problems is as important today as addressing the current symptoms.

Essentially, the body is already interacting with and reacting to the environment. The symptoms range from fatigue, low energy, brain fog, rashes, allergies, digestive discomfort, depression, irritability, weight gain, no appetite, constant appetite, anger, anxiety … and the list goes on. These are also known as adverse reactions. However, other changes to our genes occur without us even knowing, eventually leading to bigger problems in the future. These are the ones we want to remember.

Let’s face it, it’s not hard to forget a symptom that bothers you every day. This is why I suggest essential oils for viruses, bacteria, and environmental toxins. They not only help the body adjust and improve the DNA’s reaction to the environment, they provide relief and stimulate healthier functions.

This isn’t to say medications are bad or don’t have their place. Without question, they’re important, especially during severe health issues. They help the body manage long term struggles better than any natural supplement. The only reason natural remedies seem to help is because most of the ones available today contain materials that increase the body’s ability to absorb the ingredients. Plus, the label does not always list everything in the product. Keep in mind, natural products are ‘generally regarded as safe’ and go untested by the FDA until a lot of people become severely ill or die from using it.

This last statement goes for products manufactured by large companies;
not your locally made remedies.

Then again, not all products are good for everyone. This is another change that must be made. Suggesting remedies, including essential oils and medications to friends, neighbors and family members because they worked for ‘us’ is potentially harmful.

An interesting fact about essential oils is they actually have ingredients / constituents that support the uptake of the other constituents. What does this mean when essential oils are used with a number of supplement products? Quite possibly adverse reactions and / or the idea that essential oils don’t do any good.

what’s so good about medications?

Ø  Medications are more concentrated than any single nutrient natural remedy available to us.

Ø  Medications are exceptionally important when dealing with severe health issues, both mental and physical.

Ø  We cannot control the quality of essential oils and herbs due to the type of stress the plants undergo .. also known as the quality of light, water, nutrients, temperature and location. Keep in mind, not all
stress is bad. Truthfully, stress isn’t bad at all. It promotes protection and our ability to survive. What makes stress ‘bad’ is the fact that there is no relief.

Ø  Medications are very specific in the way the body uses and eliminates them.


Ø  Medications are very specific in the way the body uses and eliminates them. That’s right, not all good things are always good.

Ø  They are produced in labs. Even though many are listed as ‘organic compounds’, they’re only considered organic because their shape matches the chemicals (hormones) the body is designed to make.

Ø  Medications do not mix with everything from other medications to natural remedies

This is why I talk about and encourage essential oils!

Their health benefits and the way they work are not entirely understood., and that’s because every body is unique.

I know there’s information in books telling us what they’re good for and how to use them; yet, many of their attributes are similar to medications which means we must avoid duplicating the mechanism of action. These are the points not shared in books because either the writer doesn’t know this information or we generally recognize them as safe. Here’s the reason so many physicians doubt their abilities.

On one hand, I understand their point of view. Not all essential oils are genuine; some are either altered or made by man. If we think about this for a moment, even combining impure oils with medications is dangerous … which I will say more about shortly.

In the meantime, a doctor’s doubts about essential oils does not mean they’re not helpful, it simply means the quality of oils is unpredictable due to growing conditions and producers.

All chemicals are potentially dangerous

A very good friend of mine has devoted his working career to sharing the dark side of medications and mental health. I have a great deal of respect for him and his work. In many ways, he has a valid point … many young people have lost their lives due to being placed on pharmaceuticals designed for mental health issues. However, I feel it is an inconclusive point; here’s why.

The world is divided in its opinion on medications. Some people are in favor; others oppose them. To me, although we have the intelligence to create them, we’re not using our heads. Yes, they relieve symptoms. Other times, they mask symptoms. At no time, do they alleviate the reason for the symptoms.

All too often, my clients and other people I know, complain of not feeling like themselves; so, they seek to normalize the way they feel by using natural remedies. Sometimes this works; sometimes it doesn’t.

However, the family members of those that die after starting medications for mental health issues often blame the medications. The question I have that is not being investigated: how many of these people were also
including some type of natural remedy with their treatment because it’s ‘generally regarded as safe’?

This is an important fact to know and would show us why caution is necessary when combining medications with natural treatments. My guess is they were; although, they’re doctor didn’t know.

I no sooner typed that last sentence when I ‘heard’ in my head, ‘doctor’s offices always ask about vitamins and other supplements’. Yes, they do; however, I can honestly say, patients don’t necessarily disclose what they’re
taking believing there’s no need since they are natural and safe.

The fact is, whether we’re talking about our body or the world around, nature communicates with chemicals. The brain chemistry and trace minerals are how the human body functions. Essential oils are chemicals
produced by plants for protection, repair and survival.

With this in mind, we have to accept that everything we consume whether by mouth, nose, or through the skin, are chemicals. All too often, we find ourselves concerned about the quality … I know I can
think this way … and it’s a valid concern; however, we must first accept that all chemicals, including the high quality ones, are potentially hazardous. This is why it’s important to know what’s in your essential oil so that you can use it safely and avoid any adverse reactions.

This is even more important when combining them with medications. Please know, my intention with this information is to raise awareness … not frighten.

I wholeheartedly believe in the use of genuine essential oils. Moreover, it’s necessary to know the chemical makeup of the oil in order to either properly pair it or avoid using it.

I’m also confident in the use of medications. If you or someone you know takes them, there’s nothing to ashamed of. Taking medications does not mean failure. On the contrary, it means a person is doing
what’s necessary. Knowing how to eat according to the medication being taken and what essential oils to use, is forward thinking. It’s realizing that in order to offset side effects and build immune resilience, the addition of other medications as well as future health issues are being taken into consideration.

Well, this post certainly took an interesting direction, and I
appreciate you reading it.

Viruses, like essential oils, light and other chemicals have the ability to get into our cells and influence genetic activity.

When we use essential oils on a regular basis and spend time outdoors, we are literally giving our body a fighting chance of defending itself as well as restoring the necessary stability for long-term health benefits now and in the future. Then again, it’s just a different path to functional health.

Thank you for allowing me to share my life’s work with you. Although not required, small donations are always appreciated.