How do I prepare my body for a vaccine?
This is a great question given the number of people talking about the more serious side effects of the COVID vaccines, like Bells Palsy (neurological), anaphylaxis (immune / severe allergy), or uncontrollable trembling and movements of arms and legs (neurological). However, no matter which vaccine we’re talking about, it’s always a wise decision to prepare your system for any inoculation.
Before jumping into any suggestions, allow me to explain what I mean by prepare.
If this is your first visit to my website, welcome! What I’m about to share is something I’ve been blogging and vlogging about for several years, and it’s the platform for the guidance I provide.
If you’ve been following me for a while, then you’re familiar with what I’m about to say. Feel free to either stick with this thought process or jump ahead for the recommendations and why.
When I talk about preparing the body, I am referring to restoring balance as we understand it. In my mind, I think of stability as balance is a subjective idea when it comes to the biochemistry of our body. However, no matter which word you prefer, the idea is to build the body’s resilience by neutralizing excessive systemic activity. In other words, soothing the high alert activity of the autonomic and immune systems, otherwise known as the stress response. When we do this, we are preparing the body for yet another stressful experience i.e. a vaccination and the events influencing our decision to do so.
A few months ago, I wrote an article titled Hormonal Changes Affecting Our Kids Although it appears to be about our children, these chemical changes are the same for every human. The only difference between you and me is dictated by our unique epigenomes. Nevertheless, these changes are designed to help us survive a threatening situation. The problem is 99.8% of the time, our lives are not in imminent danger, making the bulk of our stress the result of mental and emotional distress which continues to produce the same inflammatory chemicals as a threat to our life, prompting the decline in health.
Why is this?
Because the body cannot distinguish the difference between true and perceived harm. Herein lies the danger of our minds! When we’re in the clear of any real physical threat and only faced with the worries and fears of what could happen if, we are focused on harm and therefore, produce harmful chemistry. The longer this level of confusion continues, the greater the instability and the more damage is done.
Therefore, the first step in preparing the body for a vaccine is to get a grip on the viral thoughts harming our health. As Lena Kay points out in her Ted Talk on transformation in 2017, if you suspect you’ve received an email with a virus attached, you won’t open it, so why then, do you open the viral thoughts in your mind? The less we engage in toxic thinking, the more resilient the body becomes!
Allow me to say more about this with epigenetics in mind.
When you read the post on the Hormonal Changes Affecting Our Kids you’ll notice there’s a significant increase in catecholamine levels. which includes dopamine and epinephrine. Why? Because catecholamines and acetylcholine (the neurotransmitter that activates the autonomic nervous system) are key regulators between microbes and the immune system. While these chemicals can already cause an increase in excitability, as the stress system shifts into overdrive, it also alters the methylation pathway in ways that support the continued production of various inflammatory chemicals as part of our protective survival response. With these changes, other processes are slowed from digestion and lymph to metabolism and elimination. These latter two functions include the break down and deactivation of catecholamines and other phenols via the sulfation pathway. An important note is this is not meant to be a 24/ 7 activation, yet, our endless worry, doubt, frustration, and so on keep it triggered.
To make matters worse, this type of thinking leads us to make decisions that further aggravate the situation. For example, if we’re worried about catching a virus and one of the highly promoted essential oils for enhancing immune activity is oregano, we pick some up and use it endlessly to guard us against illness. And / or, we run to the store and pick up some elderberry tea, juice and other products for immune stimulation. Both of these plant products contain phenols all of which are also metabolized and eliminated via the very same sulfation pathway. BUT, if the body is already struggling to break these chemicals down, then the system becomes backed up with additional chemicals leading to high levels of aggravation and stress.
This is another big reason to begin redirecting our thoughts to those of good health and upholding that as opposed to believing our body is defective and incapable of being resilient and healthy.
Therefore, the best way to prepare the body for a vaccine:
tap into that healthy feeling and allow it to infuse your day with ease and lightness
make choices from this space of ease and lightness … what does your body need to continue feeling this way?
spend time away from electronic devices, including the tv … get creative, go outdoors, move your body, spend time with others, listen to music, etc .. anything that frees your mind from fear and doubt.
consider using the following essential oils (all safe to use with medications): sandalwood mysore, turmeric, cypress, carrot seed oil .. this combination eases the stress response by improving the systemic use of such neurochemicals as estrogen and acetylcholine, easing the stress response while supporting methylation, digestion, the lymph system and kidneys
Even though #4 gets you started with some great suggestions for essential oils, your body may require a different selection. Why? Because you may be living with certain health conditions that are better served with another assortment of oils based on complexity and medications. If this is the case, please consider registering for the stress relief challenge where we not only dive into the stress system and how to effectively support the body’s resilience against degeneration and infection, but guidance for how to personalize your essential oil choices.