Could essential oils be beneficial with heavy metal toxicity?

Could essential oils be beneficial for people with heavy metal toxicity (specifically mercury)? I’m aware that mercury causes oxidative stress so I’m thinking that there may be oils that could help alleviate some symptoms while doing chelation. Mercury has broken my spirit and body and has done so to many other people. Doing what I can to get back my wellbeing.

This question was posted on my latest video talking about the value to using essential oils in partnership with your body compared to parenting it. Click here if you haven’t seen this one yet.

Needless to say, it’s an awesome question because without a doubt, heavy metals, including mercury are a threat to the body and in turn, activate the stress response, prompting the production of pro-inflammatory hormones which is also called oxidative stress.

However, before jumping into the answer … which is quite frankly, yes … let’s take a moment to go over a few points about heavy metals and the body’s chemical reactions to them.

Although the body is equipped to manage and eliminate toxins, heavy metals tend to be stored in various tissues and organs throughout the body rather than get excreted. Unless, of course, it’s circulating in the bloodstream which is where chelation agents are most helpful as they bind to specific metals and move to eliminate them. However, there is no consistent evidence suggesting these particular therapeutics can effectively cross the blood brain barrier or fully remove the metals from the body. This isn’t to say that scientists aren’t attempting to formulate a successful solution, they are constantly researching new and improved ways. With heavy metals being a continuous threat to human health, they are determined.

This is not meant to poo-poo chelation agents or cause alarm. Heavy metals are a fact of life which is why chelators are only so effective.

The body is constantly exposed to metals far beyond dental amalgams and / or fish.

If you cook with metal pans, eat canned foods, spend time around cars, eat vegetables or breath, you are exposed to heavy metals. To get an idea of what might be in the air, click here I realize the original question had more to do with mercury, and as you can see in this list, mercury is frequently present during waste incineration.

Again, this is meant to get your attention, not frighten you because the more we understand, the better equipped You are to assist your body with being as healthy as possible.

These facts are ‘bad’ enough (I don’t like using such a word, and unless we’re aware, the results are bad). With the addition of manmade chemicals, especially the ones that are confirmed endocrine disruptors, it becomes increasingly clear why we are witnessing a rise in degenerative dis-eases.

The stress response is activated and the body is on high alert!


This is why essential oils are necessary, and the reason breathing, and mindset are not enough given the amount of environmental toxicity we are unknowingly being exposed to everyday!

Oh, you want to know why they’re necessary? Good question as there are several reasons!

  1. to assist the body with elimination whether using chelation agents or detoxing the body in another way. All too often, the body begins to detox faster than it can eliminate the waste. Using certain essential oils will promote an effective and safer process of flushing and excretion

  2. to support DNA regulation as certain essential oil constituents, have the ability to communicate with the DNA via the acetylation and phosphorylation pathways, allowing the body to rest, digest and breathe

  3. to improve the breakdown and assimilation of macronutrients which is drastically reduced when the stress response is activated

  4. to regulate the autonomic nervous system which helps to deepen the breath, increase oxygen intake, needed for digestion, carboxylation, and sleep .. all important components for detoxing. this step also enhances the production of anti-inflammatory chemicals

  5. clearly essential oils offer exceptional benefits on every level, right down to our cells and more can be said, however, for the sake of length, I’ll leave it at this and invite you to post your questions in the comment section below!

On the note of chemistry, a few examples of pro-inflammatory chemicals include:

  1. oxidized dopamine also referred to as ‘the improper metabolism of dopamine’ ~ it’s not improper, it’s excessive and happens in the presence of heavy metals (another reason why the body is depleted of oxygen) here’s a significant point: the substantia nigra is simply gray matter when we’re born, yet by the time we’re 1 year old, it’s black (hence the name) because this structure is used to store certain heavy metals. What this suggests is long before we ever set foot in a dental office or eat table food, our body is protecting us from the threat of heavy metals ~ it’s stressed from the very beginning

  2. peroxynitrite plays a key role in the destruction of pathogens as well as the oxidization of glutathione for storing heavy metals in tissues, yet excessive dysregulation leads to cardiovascular issues, neurological dis-eases and significant digestive disorders

  3. hydrogen peroxide is used to neutralize bacterium as well as being one of the first chemicals produced and released when the skin is broken. it’s also instrumental in producing the oxidized form of glutathione for the storage of lead and mercury in the bones. however, an over production of this chemical damages the DNA and hastens the aging process, including gray hair

Again, this list could go on since every chemical the body produces has a beneficial purpose. However, even though pro-inflammatory chemicals keep you safe and alive, they’re also toxic when chronically activated. Without question, every human body is in a chronic state of survival mode. This is the reason dis-eases and dis-orders have become the norm. The only possible way to break free from managing poor health is to integrate essential oils into your daily lifestyle.

Therefore, the following are generalized suggestions:

  1. Essential oils to use while detoxing / using chelation agents

    • celery seed as it purifies the blood, supports liver and kidney function, improves bowel function which can become sluggish or backed up during a detox along, aids skin health should you break out in a rash which is also possible during a detox when the body is flushing toxins faster than it can clear them

    • laurel leaf as it helps break up congestion, move the lymph and bowels, relieves detox headaches and supports liver and gallbladder function

    • cypress because it helps to deepen the breath by relaxing the muscles (essential to clearing toxins), breaks up congestion, supports the liver and urinary tract, and helps with improving sleep

    • palmarosa because it aids in the production of anti-inflammatory glutathione, skin health and the immune response

  2. Essential oils to consider post-detox:

    • cardamom because it’s calming, supports digestion and the bowels as well as deeper breaths

    • black pepper as it relieves nervous tension, enhances digestion, helps with regulating fluids and is good for pain

    • niaouli ct. cineole because it is a nice tonic for the hormonal and central nervous system

    • angelica root as this a powerful oil for the liver, skin health, urinary tract, adrenal relief, lymph function, blood purification and above all, nervous tension

Please remember, this is a generalized recommendation. Because every body is different, your systemic needs may vary. Be sure to reach out with questions.

To use:

  1. apply a carrier of your choice liberally over the abdomen and under the arms. Next, mix 3 drops of each oil and massage into the belly and underarms

  2. an alternate way is in the bath. Begin with a clean tub (this is important as essential oils cling to grime). Fill to your desired level and add12 to 16 drops (that’s 3 - 4 drops of each) into the water. As soon as you get in the oils will be drawn to your body and be absorbed the skin and rectum.

Questions? Put it in the comments OR schedule a strategy session with me!

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