Is there any essential oil that affects the performance of the contraceptive pill?

This was a question I found posted on Reddit, and of course I loved it because it shows we’re beginning to take a closer look at how to mix essential oils with medications!

Without hesitation, the answer to this is yes, based on the fact that essential oils are made up of active ingredients. And then there’s the concept that nature is nothing but a series of chemical reactions happening every nanosecond of everyday in every organism, including humans. That’s why you are alive AND reading this!!

So, if that’s not enough to cause a pause for consideration, I don’t know what is!

Are you fascinated? If you’re on fence, let’s take it further and highlight the fact that many plant constituents, not to be mistaken as phytonutrients, vitamins or minerals, actual constituents like e-anethole (see below), are activators and influencers along the epigenome, flipping switches and modifying systemic processes.

When it comes to taking the birth control pill, although we don’t know which one the person is actually referencing, we do know they either are a combination of estrogen and progestin or simply progestin. At the same time, scientists have identified estrogenic effects in certain essential oils. Because we lack the specifics on the type of pill, the best step we can take is to err on the side of safety and avoid all essential oils that contain the constituent e-anethole, found in both sweet and bitter fennel, anise, star anise, damiana, myrtle and Spanish sage. With this knowledge we now know to steer clear of not just the single notes, but any blend that has one or more of these oils as an ingredient.

I also have a few more suggestions due to the amount of influence they have on the reproductive hormones. While I understand the question concerns contraception; reproductive hormones are already being targeted by the pill(s). To use oils affecting the very same actions is a duplication and could potentially lead to antagonizing the effect of the pill, and possibly lead to a pregnancy. Although this is not for certain, duplicating the mechanism of action is counterproductive to the purpose of the medication (this goes for every health condition being treated with pharmaceuticals).

Therefore, the next set of oils include tarragon, vitex and Dalmatian sage which are, in fact, contraindicated during pregnancy. Although they do not contain the constituent e-anethole, they influence reproductive hormone activity via the pituitary gland. Again, the thing that fills me with awe is how their chemical makeup differs . I do realize there is a little cross over of constituents, but each compound is its own unique blend of chemicals, underscoring the magic of synergy. It is its own force and cannot be defined! As I like to say, it’s a new way to alchemy!

And because they have such an unmistakable influence on the hormonal system, finding alternatives to these oils is a meaningful decision while taking a birth control pill.

What’s the problem?

The endocrine system is vast and responsible for every process in the body. When we begin using medications that alter hormonal activity, it’s a smart choice to stay away from using essential oils that have the power to challenge this.

We typically view essential oils as benign, and while there are some cheap oils on the market, virtually good for nothing but an aroma, it’s best to use caution simply because pure ones are influential chemicals with an affinity for affecting various genetic receptors, binding to serum albumin and influencing CYP450 enzyme activity. Speaking of which, because birth control pills with estrogen are metabolized on the CYP450 3A4 and 2C9 enzymes, I also recommend eliminating farnesene, bisabolol, chamazulene, bergamottin, menthol, bergaptol and bergapten because these chemicals are metabolized on the very same enzymes as the medication which could lead to adverse reactions from a faster metabolism of the medication to a prolonged breakdown and higher blood serum levels which could lead to complications.

To make matters even more interesting, how about this thought?!

Duplicating the mechanism of action stresses the system perpetuating the activity of the stress system! AND, with the birth control pill, this is significant since both estrogen and progesterone are stress hormones!

Say what? You thought they were reproductive hormones?

Well, they’re actually both which means it’s better to use oils that improve parasympathetic activity and digestion rather than ones identified as good for the hormonal system because certain chemicals activate systemic stress, so why use oils that have the potential to do this?

thank you for checking out my newest blog as this is the first of many! in the meantime, feel free to visit my archive

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