Get Your Natural Sunscreen Here!

The following post is something I wrote 4 years ago and posted on WordPress; however, with the release of my current newsletter, I thought it a good idea to share it here. That said, since writing the following article, I have come to understand the body and vitamin D in ways I never imagined; therefore, what's mentioned is valid, it's just missing a few details which I cover in the newsletter.

Nonetheless, I believe it's important to understand the value of sunlight as well as how the body responds to it. Unfortunately, we are mistakenly blocking our ability to receive light which does nothing but inhibit good health. Truthfully, there is a billboard I drive by everyday that actually says: Spread the Love ...... the picture shows one person helping the other person put their sunscreen on.........  I shudder just thinking about it. That's not love (read why below)

As you know, I believe in nature helping nature which is the purpose of the newsletter as well as for the recipes available here. Plants rely on sunlight; some more than others which has everything to do with their specific needs. And just like the human aspect to nature, too much can make them sick as well as kill them. Heck,  the results aren't any different with water. Regardless, plants don't require sunscreen because they make their own and apparently the human body can too within limits. Granted the environment has affected this which is why learning how and why to work with naturally occurring vitamin D matters.....

**Well, of course you do! Everybody does. It goes without saying that the sun can and will damage our skin. However, what are the costs to using sunscreen versus the costs of going without? This is a tough call considering the number of skin cancer cases on the rise; not to mention, Alzheimer’s, MS, depression, high blood pressure, hormonal issues and so on. Yet, what does the latter have to do with sunscreen? Plenty.  

Illuminating Facts

Sunlight has been used for centuries as a health-giving technique. With the modernization of man, processed foods and the introduction of sunscreens, degenerative diseases have grown exponentially. Exposure to the sun has tremendous benefit from healing, to rejuvenation, to providing nourishment such as Vitamin D. Through poor nutritional sources and the use of sunscreens, we’ve unknowingly damaged our bodies, created biological breakdowns and hastened the aging process.

So what is a person to do? Think about the following before answering the question.

Most sunscreens / sunblocks are laden with toxic chemicals like:

ü  Oxybenzone: linked to hormone disruption and cell damage that may lead to skin cancer.

ü  Retinyl palmitate (a form of Vitamin A): has now been proven to be a carcinogen.

ü  Octyl-methoxycinnamate: causes oxidation damage of the skin; aging your face.

ü  Butyl-Methdiebenzoylmethane: releases free radicals into the body.

ü  Benzophenone 2 (BP2): decreases the function of the thyroid, in a population that is already seriously suffering from hypothyroidism.


It is important to note, sunscreens do prevent sunburn; however, the FDA, and other health agencies, has found little evidence proving sunscreens ability to prevent skin cancer. Additionally, the International Agency for Research on Cancer says: “sunscreens should not be the first choice for skin cancer prevention and should not be used as the sole agent for protection against the sun” (IARC 2001a). Instead, they encourage the use of hats, clothing and shade as the primary source for protection.


Another disturbing discovery is the potential link between sunscreen and melanoma as researchers have found more melanoma cases among people using sunblock. The theory is sunscreen users spend more time in the sun absorbing more radiation. And then there is a recent report from the CDC in 2012 stating that 25% of Americans have “borderline low levels” of Vitamin D, and 8% have serious deficiencies. Who is to say whether our Vitamin D issues are food related or sun related or a combination of both remains to be determined; nevertheless, it is in society’s interest to remedy the problem sooner than later.


Using sunscreens is costly especially when there are alternatives. Acclimate and spend time in the sun. This doesn’t have to be an extensive period of time; even fifteen to twenty minutes a day, and when done without sunglasses, the sunlight registers on the optic nerve signaling the hypothalamus to adjust the skin’s resistance to the exposure. EAT your sunscreen: dark greens; red, orange and black / blue fruits and vegetables; and add spirulina to a smoothie. Remember to also hydrate and wear the appropriate protective attire. There is no question, the costs to applying sunscreen far outweigh the benefits.