Day 1: Palmarosa

In the video Day1: Palmarosa, I talk about using the oil for skincare as well as post workout recovery. The benefits of the oil are extensive and while all plant constituents have their purpose, geraniol, found in a number of oils including palmarosa, is the focus of many ongoing studies.

What’s interesting is the fact that every essential oil comes packed with its own arsenal of properties, giving the illusion that each oil has a variety of healing qualities. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Don’t misunderstand this;, they absolutely have a direct influence on the body’s ‘healing mechanism’; however, they are not the source of healing … the body is. That said, in this day and age, the body struggles to thrive due to consistently being on high alert as it redirects the energy for the sake of survival and protection.

At the same time, incorporating essential oils, in this case palmarosa, into our personal care regime offers the opportunity to bridge the gap between surviving and thriving. However, if the question, ‘how long do I have to use essential oils’ crosses your mind, allow me to say, you’re not ready for wellness. As long as we’re navigating the current environmental ‘shit storm’, the body require reliable assistance. And, if we refuse to have that important synergistic relationship with it, then we will suffer the consequences .. dis-comfort, dis-order and / or dis-ease a.k.a. survival

When it comes to focusing solely on a single constituent, we are being specific with our intentions. Again, I understand that symptom relief is what we’re after; yet, being overly precise with our target discounts the needs of the rest of the system. What do I mean by this statement? Well, the body makes the necessary adjustments in order to ‘survive’ the threat which affects every chemical, not just one. How the body interprets the threat, meaning genetically, depends on the individual genome. Granted, geraniol is not currently available over the counter; yet as I mentioned, several oils contain this component. Therefore, understanding the full effect of all oils helps to determine which ones are best for the condition at hand. You see, while geraniol has demonstrated effectiveness as a stand-alone constituent, the way it affects the body changes somewhat when naturally combined with other ingredients a.k.a. chemicals. In other words, a single aspect clearly has a distinct influence; yet, it’s too specific when introduced independently. At the same time, naturally occurring chemical synergy introduces complimentary action by generating additional reactions throughout the system.

AND, if there are no symptoms to be concerned with at the moment … then, YAY … consider palmarosa an oil you intermittently add to your daily personal care.

With that said, an important point of focus regarding palmarosa is the antifungal effect.

Fungus a.k.a. candida develops when sugars are not being broken down and efficiently appropriated. To keep it as simple as possible, this happens when the ‘stress mechanism’ is chronically activated. Keep in mind, we’re not designed to ‘run on overdrive’ 24/7. Nonetheless, when in survival mode, digestion is minimized from the gut to the cell. Why? Because running for our lives is supposed to be temporary. Said another way, the body has shifted gears and adjusted the chemistry accordingly … and the chemicals involved with digesting our macronutrients is being used for other purposes. Hence, a reduction in our use of sugar along with significant hormonal changes.

May I remind you that cancer cells feed on sugar. I’m not suggesting that everyone with an overgrowth of candida is going to develop cancer. That all depends on the system. My reason for directing our attention to cancer is because it’s primarily an autoimmune reaction. If we’re not breaking our macronutrients down, the body is going to take the necessary steps to eliminate the threat which means massive chemical changes and immune activity. What is used for thriving is also oxidized for our protection.

Along the lines of chemical changes, it’s been determined that geraniol inhibits both pancreatic and colon cancer cells by enhancing polyamine catabolism …

What is a polyamine?

Any of a group of organic compounds, such as spermine and spermidine, composed of only carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen and containing two or more amino groups.

The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.



any compound that contains two or more amine groups, such as spermidine, spermine, and putrescine that are normally found in human tissue. Many polyamines function as essential growth factors in microorganisms such as in DNA synthesis and gene expression.

Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 9th edition. © 2009, Elsevier.


(pol'ē-am'ēn) Although this word is correctly stressed on the second-last syllable, U.S. usage often stresses it on the last syllable.Many arise from bacterial action on protein; others are normally occurring body constituents of wide distribution or are essential growth factors for microorganisms. [G. polys, much, many + amine]Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

What is catabolism?

degradative metabolism involving the release of energy and resulting in the breakdown of complex materials (such as proteins or lipids) within the organism

The point to this is that polyamines have several functions with one being a significant influence on DNA activity.. Additionally, they are known modulators of the NMDA receptor which involves the use of glutamate. However, when exposed to such things as heavy metals, the very same polyamines used for thriving are modifying genetic activity so that glutamate is now used in the oxidation of dopamine in order to properly house the metals in the substania nigira. This is quite important when we realize that glutamate is also needed for the production of glutathione, a vital anti-oxidant, as well as the calming neurotransmitter GABA. How does this translate? Minimally anxiety, and potentially the development of plaques in the brain which are linked to poorly used proteins along with the development of cancer cells. or other neurodegenerative diseases.

You see, glutamate is indicated in all of these health issues. Thus, improving the breakdown of polyamines inhibits the progression of such diseases as Alzheimer’s, pancreatic and colon cancers. With this in mind, geraniol has proven to be beneficial …..with these conditions and so much more

That being so, if Alzheimer’s and / or cancer are a part of your family history, as they are in mine, including palmarosa on a regular basis is both a wise and safe consideration, even with medications.

Please know, if you haven’t seen the palmarosa video the information differs from what I share here. What’s more, I appreciate you following along as shedding light on the mysteries of nature are why I’m here!