NO ONE is destined to repeat their family’s medical history!

Feeing at ease within my mind and body is everything to me. I used to think that the way to achieve this goal was to use an oil, take a supplement and sometimes a medication.

Although there may have been some relief … it was short-lived.

Witnessing this in others, I was inspired to determine why people ride the roller coaster of discomfort, pain and even suffer … DESPITE the plethora of advice and information out there telling you how to lower inflammation and be healthy. You see. I followed the instructions to a ‘T’, including a plant-based diet to prevent health issues only to learn otherwise ..

Treating symptoms … trying to control with a fix it mindset interferes with the body’s wisdom…

The mission of Revolutionary Aromatherapy is to debunk the myths around poor health, inflammation and ‘how to break the cycle of dis-ease management’ so that you know how to partner with your health professionals and help your body to do what it’s capable of doing to restore better health and optimize your wellness.

You and our child(ren) deserve a healthier future!

Come discover the secret to being remarkably healthy and what cutting edge Aromatherapy has to offer!

I’m Tammy Davis … author, speaker, researcher, educator. Feel free to be in touch!