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Detox Your Self and Align with Healing

nothing records the effects of life so graphically as the human body Nagub Mahfouz

This applies to you if you experience any one or more of the following:

  • Low energy and fatigue

  • Food sensitivities and / or digestive discomforts

  • Sleep issues

  • Addictive / compulsive habits i.e. nervous eating, busyness, trouble focusing, habitual multitasker

  • Depression / anxiety / chronic agitation and emotional pain

  • Physical pain, skin conditions, headaches / migraines

  • Difficult relationships with friends, family, co-workers, children

  • Financial concerns

Healing is a Vow to go All In!

  • imagine feeling calmer, no longer reacting or feeling motivated by emotions, beliefs or pressure …

  • imagine a sound night sleep … no more restless mind, difficulty falling or staying asleep, restless leg, or middle of the night worry / panic / anxiety …

  • imagine being free of food sensitivities and the freedom to choose what you eat rather than feeling restricted due to brain fog, pain, bloating, depression, anxiety, rashes, headaches, or, or, or …

  • imagine feeling stronger, healthier and secure in your body, choices, actions and relationships ..

Integrate Your Human and Spiritual Nature with Essential Oils

  • Learn how to blend essential oils that support your body’s unique wisdom

  • Learn how to blend essential oils that enhance brain health, unite mind and body and promote emotional stability

  • Learn how to blend essential oils and end generational stress

  • Discover how you can experience next level wellness and harness your abilities to live a healthier life … physically, mentally, spiritually and financially

    Click here and save $50 when you register today for only $99

    And whatever you do, don’t forget to take advantage of these incredible gifts as my way of appreciating you and your participation in this program!

  • Unlimited access to the replay for 12 months

  • 1 month free in the Aromatherapy Beyond Bed and Bath Membership Course (a $99 value)

  • 30-minute custom essential oil consult with Tammy (a $125 value)

  • Added BONUS: Q&A Sunday, May 1st which includes coaching when you attend the live event!

The link to join is emailed directly to you …. please let me know if for some reason, you don’t receive it …

This event begins at 11:30a mountain, 1:30p eastern and 10:30a pacific. Click here to confirm the correct time for you.