When, Why and How to Block Estrogen
Estrogen blockers are growing in popularity in the nutritional world. As fitness trends aim to help men build muscle and lose fat, the idea of knocking estrogen down seems to be a viable approach. When it comes to women though, these supplements have an entirely different purpose, protection from breast cancer. Yet, for as much as I appreciate the idea, it baffles me even more.
I understand wanting a strong and healthy body, but not at the risk of sustaining instability. I realize the value to an improved chemistry (this is a short term benefit); although, not without weighing in on what could happen sometime in the future (long term effects) .How did we come to develop such a practice? It used to be we did all that we could to restore comfort. Then our knowledge about plant chemistry grew, followed by an even more complex understanding of human physiology, giving way to isolating and controlling one chemical at a time. Thinking about this systematically, t this does nothing but disrupt the system even further. How?
The DNA is always communicating with the outside world, and once it is notified of a potential threat, oxidative stress is activated, altering the chemistry putting the body ‘on guard’. The hormones required for reproduction and thriving are changed into inflammatory chemicals that improve the organism’s (in this case the human body) chance of survival. This is not meant to be a 24/7 experience. Otherwise, disease sets in as the system burns out
Nonetheless, these adjustments lead to temporary deficiencies and surpluses. As one hormone level lessens, another one rises. The simplest explanation is balance; regardless of the medical or scientific interpretation and judgment. The body only does what it ‘knows’ to do in response to the ‘messages’ being conveyed. .
Then again, the DNA is unable to distinguish the difference between emotional upset and a true threat to the body. It simply acts accordingly. Yet, this is one of the greatest gifts to being human; awareness. We have the ability to identify ‘what’s what’, and work in tandem with the DNA . The stress response is simply a mechanism for surviving danger. It’s not supposed to be a way of life. We really have more control over this than we seem to believe. I say more on this in my latest YouTube video
Estrogen is a double-edged sword. It’s both a reproductive hormone in women and men as well as a stress hormone. And as it goes, too much of anything is too much.
In the event you haven’t heard me talk about this yet, estrogen is produced as the stress mechanism is activated. I detail it in a few of my posts including 7 Essential Oils that Reduce Estrogen and Stabilize Histamine The point to these suggestions is stabilization which essential oils are very good with; however, they are not the one and only answer. There’s more to even though they are a vital component to the process.
Before going further, there are a few things to consider when we talk about ‘blocking’ estrogen.
men’s body’s need it for
a. bone health
b.. cardiovascular health
c. brain health
women need it for
a. hair and weight
b. bone and brain health
c. menstrual cycle and cardiovascular health
So, we really don’t want to disrupt an essential process. Aromatase protects the body. even though it has a bad reputation. When I suggest or support the lowering of estrogen, it has as much to do with the endocrine disruptors as it does our mental and emotional distress. Our susceptibility to degenerative disease is growing due to our lack of control over what we’re putting out there … period. Oddly, we seek to outsmart the DNA when the best thing we have to offer is attention and cooperation.
We are the servant of nature … not the other way around.
To deliberately inhibit aromatase not only puts the body in a vulnerable state, it does nothing to address the true reason our health is diminishing. It’s just a short-term solution without a second thought about the long-term effects … continual breakdown.
At the same time, there is no sense to focusing on stability when there is inflammatory damage occurring. it takes doing a little of both. The body is already in balance based on the DNA’s interpretation of the environment (inside and out). There is SO much untapped potential here!
The movement of nature is perfectly choreographed through chemistry. Nature never objects to any of the signals being emitted. It simply adapts and adjusts as prompted, (we stand to learn a bit from this) and nothing is denied, including manmade chemicals. Synergy is the underlying current. Given our ability to notice, with our mind’s eye, and offer input through thoughts and feelings makes us an integral part of the matrix.
So I ask, who are we to say when and why aromatase is necessary. The DNA ‘knows’ much more than the ego clouded mind, and the reason I believe we’re all here. (thoughts for another post)
In the meantime, we live in a polluted world which means massive action needs to happen in order to establish functional health.
reduce histamine
stabilize cortisol
slow down production of aromatase
To do this:
avoid fermented and probiotic rich foods and beverages
limit use of lavender, clary sage, geranium, anise, tarragon, tea tree and fennel essential oils
limit intake of foods containing all forms of soy, including soy lecithin as well as flax
avoid any other foods that make you feel lousy after you eat it
All of this is temporary …
I also encourage you to:
slow down and as they say, if you don’t have enough time to slow down, slow down even more
read and apply the suggestion in my 7 Essential Oils that Reduce Estrogen and Stabilize Histamine