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Masking Genetic Receptors with Essential Oils

Although our focus is directed more towards the number of deaths related to the Coronavirus, there’s a greater number of people recovering. But what are the long-term effects of having contracted it?

In a previous post ‘Meeting the Coronavirus Face to Face’, I point out the way this virus enters the body, via the ACE2 (angiotensin concerting enzyme) receptor. This is how the body produces the hormone known as angiotensin which is used to elevate blood pressure and increase respiration when the nature of the human body is threatened.

I say it this way as it is a protection mechanism that does not differentiate between a maybe or certain threat. This is where our thoughts come in. However, a thought is not enough to protect the body from health threatening endocrine disrupters including COVID-19.

Yes. I have repeatedly suggested that we pay attention to and learn to control our thoughts and breath. I still strongly encourage this practice. At the same time, we are a culture hooked on using a plethora of chemicals albeit manmade, natural or both, most of which are also endocrine disrupters.

Before moving on, it makes sense to clarify my definition of an endocrine disrupter. Very simply put, they are lipophilic chemicals that act like hormones and influence genetic receptor activity. The current belief system views them as bad. They’re not bad. They have the potential to be toxic, but so do most chemicals as Paracelsus pointed out centuries ago.

Blaming chemicals is much like faulting guns. When it comes to functional health, it has more to do with how many chemicals we consume and how the body reacts. I believe this to be the case with several of our viruses like the rhinovirus, coronavirus, zoster and Epstein Barr viruses, to name a few

They do not just infect the body. They are transported via one mechanism or another.

Let’s start with the virus that causes a cold. According to Penn State University ‘once the rhinovirus has entered into a human’s upper respiratory tract it will begin infection when it binds to an intercellular 4 adhesion receptor molecule-1(ICAM-1) . If the rhinovirus were a key, ICAM-1 would be the lock it fits into to begin the infection process. Many of these ICAM-1 receptors are located in the adenoids that lie in the back of the nasal cavity. This is the most common area for the rhinovirus to bind to in order to infect humans. Once the virus has attached itself…’

According to the Journal of Virology, our understanding of how Epstein Barr enters various cell types is incomplete. Nevertheless, it has been determined that two mechanisms of entry are via complement receptors on either B or epithelial cells. A similar process takes place with the varicella zoster virus, entering the body utilizing major viral proteins that function as transactvators, transporting additional proteins into the nucleus before de novo protein  synthesis occurs (this is the production of neutralizing antibodies). As I’ve stated in earlier posts, viruses are a life form with an impressive ability to survive. Additionally, the more vulnerable a host organism, the greater the susceptibility to parasitic infection.

The referenced viruses are just a micro sampling of the actual numbers. As ‘we’ attempt to understand them, they elude us through their complexity and abilities to adapt. In my humble opinion, understanding them offers great insight into the survival of the fittest concept. Not surprisingly, the sum total of vaccinations pales in comparison to the number of known viruses which includes mononucleosis and the common cold a.k.a. Epstein Barr and the rhinovirus.

Although we know the necessary steps for preventing several viruses i.e. HIV, HPV (human papilloma virus), mono, etc we are not immune. According to the WHO, infectious diseases are the sixth leading cause of premature death with viral infections topping the charts, globally. Clearly, we’re not making the headway we need to live in peace with the virons of the world.

At this point, I want to mention that science does not view viruses as living organisms since they are unable to replicate without a host cell. I beg to differ because their survival is based on DNA signaling. Call it co-dependence. It’s the way nature continues to flourish which does not require human input or agreement to do what it’s ‘wired’ to do.

What’s the secret to surviving? Stability and adaptability.

In an unstable environment, viruses have the upper hand and obviously have the ability to shield themselves from our fears. We can say … it’s only human to overthink … when we don’t understand something or seek to figure something out. Without a doubt, all the thoughts and predictions of what can happen are revealed. These concerns typically fuel our actions which narrows our focus towards the best way to control an outcome. Control is not necessarily a bad thing. Even stabilization is a means of control.

When the goal is to stop, limit or kill, we’re playing god. When the aim is to honor and create ease, we’re working with the infinite source of life and contributing to a wider outcome. Big difference!

Bee hives are a prime example for the difference between stable and unstable. The mites involved with the death of many hives is always present whether the hive is thriving or weakened. The environment is causing drastic changes to the neurochemistry of the bees which interferes with their abilities. These changes signal instability and the health of the hive is compromised. However, once stability is restored, the bees and mites live in harmony with no threat of illness.

Don’t misunderstand me. There are countless people seeking to kill the virus haunting bee hives around the world with very little luck, if any. On the other hand, the hives that I’ve assisted by helping to restore balance to the neurochemistry through the use of essential oils and nutrition recovered every time

The greater the instability, the more vulnerable the organism…

Based on my observations of bee hives, it is possible to live in harmony with all organisms, including viruses. Everything is potentially dangerous when threatened, stressed and chemically unstable.

Yet, everything up until this point only addresses the immediate concerns of a coronavirus infection. What about the long term effects as mentioned in the beginning?

This remains to be determined as the ACE2 receptor is located in the lungs, heart, kidneys, liver, hypothalamus, and endothelial cells of the intestinal tract and,blood vessels. This is why masks do not protect us from contracting it. They only mildly prevent us from spreading it.

Viruses are airborne. As they travel up the nose, they enter the body. The coronavirus is crossing the blood brain barrier. There is a lot of speculation about bacterial co-infections initiating this process. I disagree. While the blood brain barrier is supposed to be impermeable, scientists recognize that certain chemicals do increase the odds. In fact, Cornell University has been investigating these compounds in order to understand how ‘we’ might use this concept as a new delivery system for medications. An important note, chemicals found in essential oils also cross the BBB.

In no way am I suggesting that essential oils are increasing the chance of coronavirus infection. On the contrary, I believe certain ones actually protect the brain and body as they bind to various receptor sites and influence stability.

Which ones do we use? That depends on the individual. I’ve made suggestions in previous posts yet this is where I stepped away from my beliefs.

The encouragement is to give the reader usable content. I get it. I like going to a website and securing something I can use today. When it comes to the current viral pandemic or any virus, the best approach, when not in the throes of an infection is to select essential oils based on your needs which is often determined with the assistance of someone like me.

Most clinicians are not thinking proactive or long-term. The coronavirus promises long-term effects by the simple fact that it is entering via the hormonal system… and the brain, more specifically.

In order to protect ourselves from neurological damage, using oils that support neurological health is key. The added benefit is they promote stability and lessen the chance of a viral invasion AS LONG AS we do our part mentally and emotionally. Therefore essential oils that

mask genetic receptors, modify DNA signaling and promote neurological health:

1) elemi

2) holy basil

3) myrrh

4) vetiver

5) helichrysum

Please keep in mind, these are general suggestions which may change depending on your specific needs. Plus, caution must be used if taking medications or about to have surgery.

I trust you find this post informative and invite you to be in touch with questions.

Are you interested in a consult? We can talk via Zoom. The cost for that is $100 thru PayPal or Venmo… tammydavis8

Are you a clinician working with essential oils? My Aromagenomics course is now reopened!

And, if you are interested in a moisturizing sanitizer salve that is great for face and hands … click here