revolutionary aromatherapy

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Day 2: Ginger Root

When I think of ginger root, I can honestly say it’s not my favorite aroma and at the same time, it has some rather exceptional qualities beyond what was shared in the video on YouTube

Without question, just knowing ginger supports lipid metabolism and hormone production is enough to convince me to include the oil and food on a regular basis. However, there’s a bit more to ginger root than commonly discussed.

  1. it’s great for circulation

  2. it’s a warming analgesic

  3. it has strong anti-inflammatory effects

  4. it improves digestion

So, what are some of the constituents in ginger that make it so good for the body?

  1. camphene - a cannabinoid that supports circulation and pain relief

  2. alpha zingiberene - recognized for it’s ability to scavenge free radicals a.k.a. phenols like DPPH

  3. various forms of phellandrene - a cannabinoid that regulates the appetite

  4. 1,8 cineole which modulates nitric oxide synthase, assisting the health of cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, hormonal and neurological systems

  5. just to name a few….

Don’t think for a minute that because ginger root has an influence on the appetite that it’s detrimental to any weight loss goals or watching your weight. Appetite is regulated by hormones which is where ginger root is quite beneficial as it improves the use of cholesterol as well as the release of lipids from the cells which provides energy as it enhances metabolism.

It’s also an analgesic with it’s warming qualities due to the. camphene. Keep in mind that eating fresh ginger root does provide some of the benefits of the essential oil; although, not at such a concentrated level. However, using the oil topically and eating the fresh root provides a wealth of benefits. between the two. Why? Because the fresh root has additional nutrients not found in the oil and their uptake is supported by the use of the oil. On the other hand, dried sources provide minimal benefit and often hard on the GI tract.

What’s interesting about plants is that they, like humans have the ability to produce both free radicals and the anti-oxidants that counter act them. Science recognizes this and often fabricates chemicals as additives to be added to our foods and personal care products in order to keep microbial colonies from developing. This is the purpose of free radicals a.k.a. oxidative stress. To protect the organism whether it’s a plant or animal which includes humans. With this said, oxidative stress is important; therefore, seeking to eliminate it is

  1. useless since it’s always being produced

  2. foolish since it is a natural survival instinct

At the same time, too many manmade free radical chemicals continually stresses the body, preventing it from producing the antidote, so to speak. Consuming foods high in vitamin C, E and beta carotene does help relieve the inflammation that occurs due to the presence of oxidative stress, they are not signaling molecules needed for modulating the production of oxidative stress. The constituents of essential oils are ….

The current trend in the health and wellness arena is to refer to free radicals as the ‘enemy’; however, as mentioned about, in a stable environment, they’re not. In the case of human health, the number of products with added chemicals i.e. phenols is off the charts. Oddly enough, they are being added for the sake of keeping the products safe and stable. This type of control is having adverse effects on us as it contributes to the free radicals already being produced; hence, chronic inflammation. Therefore, to reduce our use of as many commercial products as possible is advantageous since ongoing, everyday use distresses the body at the cellular level. With that said, including ginger root into our lifestyle actually aids in the production of anti-oxidants which is why it’s recognized for its protective qualities when it comes to cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

As for what plants AND essential oils contain phenols, those will be addressed in later posts. In the meantime, just know that ginger root is a valuable food and essential oil.

Therein lies the mystery of plants … albeit essential oils or food. Even herbs; although, I hesitate to make very many suggestions due to the compounding effects of the environment … inside and out. While I’d like to think we could be more rational with our thoughts and emotions, the fact is these are influenced and altered as the chemistry of the body adjusts according to our physical needs.

That said, the inclusion of ginger root on a regular basis as a food and / or oil holds a lot of value as the environment is challenges our opportunity to thrive.

If you haven’t already watched my YouTube video, please do so as I share additional information on ginger root. AND, if you haven’t already, join my email list today!