revolutionary aromatherapy

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Day 11: Eucalyptus Globulus

My reasons for starting with this eucalyptus …... that’s right .. there are several types, including, although not limited to the following:

  1. eucalyptus dives ~ Piperitone 54.5%

    a-Phellandrene 16.9%

    p-Cymene 6.1%

    Terpinen-4-ol 4.2%

    a-Pinene 2.8%

    Terpinolene 1.9%

    b-Myrcene 1.4%

    a-Terpineol 1.3%

    1,8-Cineole 1.2%

    (E)-p-Menth-2-en-1-ol 1.2%

    (Z)-p-Menth-2-en-1-ol 1.0%

    (E)-Piperitol 1.0%

  2. eucalyptus smithi ~ 1,8-Cineole 77.5%

    b-Eudesmol 6.3%

    (E)-Pinocarveol 2.9%

    Pinocarvone 1.6%

    (Z)-p-Mentha-1(7),8-dien-2-ol 1.4%

    (E)-p-Mentha-1(7),8-dien-2-ol 1.3%

    (þ)-Limonene 1.2%

  3. eucalyptus citriadora ~ Citronellal 86.2%

    Citronellol 4.2%

    a-Pinene 2.4%

    Isopulegol 2.2%

    Citronellyl acetate 1.1%

  4. eucalyptus radiata ~ 1,8-Cineole 60.4–64.5%

    a-Terpineol 0–15.2%

    (Z)-Piperitol 0.9–14.9%

    (þ)-Limonene 5.4–6.3%

    Piperitone 0.4–4.7%

    Geraniol 0.2–2.8%

    a-Pinene 2.0%

    b-Caryophyllene 0.1–1.6%

    Terpinen-4-ol 0–1.5%

    b-Myrcene 1.1%

  5. eucalyptus macarthurii ~ 1,8-Cineole 28.9–29.0%

    Geranyl acetate 18.8–21.8%

    (þ)-Limonene 9.8–16.2%

    Linalool 6.7–7.6%

    a-Pinene 4.4–6.7%

    p-Cymene 3.1–3.3%

    Geraniol 1.9–3.3%

    g-Terpinene 0.5–2.1%

    a-Terpineol 1.2–1.6%

    Guaiacol 0.8–1.0%

  6. eucalyptus globulus ~ 1,8-Cineole 65.4–83.9%

    a-Pinene 3.7–14.7%

    (þ)-Limonene 1.8–9.0%

    Globulol tr–5.3%

    (E)-Pinocarveol 2.3–4.4%

    p-Cymene 1.2–3.5%

    (þ)-Aromadendrene 0.1–2.2%

    Thymol tr-1.0%

    Pinocarvone tr-1.0%

… is because eucalyptus globulus happens to be the most commonly used essential oil on the market; so, it made sense to say a few things about it in the video. At the same time, it made sense to identify the various types as well as in order to provide an idea of their constituents as well as illustrate why they are not necessarily interchangeable.

However, before diving into the different components of each oil, although brief, allow me to point out that just because some the same chemicals are found in more than one of the eucalyptus oils does not mean their effects are the same even when you compare properties i.e. circulatory system or infection. While each one of them may be recognized for their effectiveness against viruses, bacteria and fungus, keep in mind that each one of these organisms has numerous versions which means one may not be as effective against a particular microorganism as another .. Not to mention, a health condition does not always involve the same chemistry, which is why getting to know the constituents is a valuable step.

So, what’s a person to do in the case of an infection? If eucalyptus is one you want to use, be sure to combine the one you have with other antimicrobial oils in order to be sure you have the full scope of organisms covered. Keep in mind, French physicians actually test the microbes before using any oil … Why? Because even though a virus or bacteria may be from the same strain, there are differences since they constantly adapt to their environment. In other words, your body is not like any one else’s; so, similar cold comes with different microbes .. I know weird, yet, that is how nature operates …

With that said, if you have young children, choosing a eucalyptus that is safer than others for all ages such as radiata means you may not have everything you’re looking for in regards to symptom treatment; however, I invite you to remember the goal to my method is systemic stability and even though the spectrum of microorganism may be outside the effectiveness range of what you currently have on hand, including it still supports the body to do what it’s designed to do. AND, if your belief aligns with a benevolent God, then you have to know that you are completely taken care of and that your body is more than capable of keeping you safe and alive.

What does this meant? Well, it’s quite simple …. God | Source | the Universe | Consciousness … etc … is not about killing or ending life … it’s ALL about moving forward, unstoppable adaptation, survival … you get the picture which means we don’t have to worry so much about controlling the current circumstances as much as we do about offering safety a.k.a. stability. I’m not saying symptom relief isn’t valuable … of course it is! Who wants to feel like crap?! At the same time, by housing an assortment of oils that offer a full spectrum of antimicrobial support means the immune system can now do what your Higher Power designed it to do! Granted, this is a simplified statement as health is complex; yet, essential oils are both complex and equally active and when you accept that it’s more about identifying the genetic stumbling blocks and learning how to blend so that the digestive, hormonal (which includes nitric oxide synthase (NOS)) and immune systems are all supported and stabilized … is the difference between managing health issues and breaking through to wellness

I’m certain this post isn’t what you expected with regards to eucalyptus globulus, and truth be told, it was a bit difficult to write as I wanted to go on about the globulus version; yet, it seemed more important to share the variations and emphasize the importance of safety and stability over full symptom relief. You have to know that even if the issue you’re facing isn’t specifically addressed by the eucalyptus you have on hand, your body is definitely receiving the hep it needs.

Before closing allow me to say this:

  1. 1,8 cineole ~ an ether is contraindicated with certain medications; although, quite effective with supporting the nitric oxide synthase function in LOW doses. High doses of 1,8 cineole a.k.a. eucalyptol are toxic

  2. limonene ~ an alkene known for it’s inactivation of cancer cells and found in many oils; contraindicated with some meds

  3. cymene ~ a phenolic cannabinoid known for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal attributes

  4. citronellal ~ an aldehyde and antibacterial, antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, deodorant, diaphoretic, diuretic, febrifuge, fungicidal, insect repellent, stomachic, stimulant, tonic, and vermifuge substance

  5. citronellol ~ an alcohol and insect repellant and fights free radical damage

  6. isopulegol ~ a cannabinoid menthol that should be used with caution since menthol is known to increase lung tissue permeability and with the amount of chemicals we’re currently being exposed to, reducing our exposure to menthol chemicals is a wise idea

  7. myrcene ~ an alkene, anti-inflammatory

  8. alpha and beta pinene ~ cannabinoid that promotes alertness, anti-inflammatory, effective with eliminating cancer cells

  9. piperitone ~ ketone, anti-inflammatory, effective with eliminating cancer cells as well as boosting mood

  10. a-phellandrene ~ an alkene cannabinoid and appetitie stimulant

  11. terpinene ~ a methanol derivative, a simple alcohol that is converted into formic acid in the liver which is potentially neurotoxic

  12. terpinolene ~ a methanol derivative, ditto

  13. terpineol ~ a methanol, see number 11

  14. geranyl acetate ~ an ester, antifungal and anti-inflammatory

  15. isovaleraldehyde ~ an aldehyde and antimicrobial

  16. alpha and beta eudesmol ~ cannabinoids most recognized for their cytotoxicity against cancer cells

  17. (E)-p-Menth-2-en-1 ~ a methanol alcohol

  18. (Z)-p-Menth-2-en-1 ~ a methanol alcohol

  19. geraniol ~ a cannabinoid alcohol; anti-tumor, anti-oxidant, neuroprotectant, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, also supports the folate cycle

  20. globulol ~ an alcohol and antimicrobial

  21. piperitol ~ a methanol derivative

  22. pinocarveol ~ an alcohol and GABA modulator

  23. pinocarvone ~ a ketone, mucolytic expectorant

  24. eudesmol ~ alkene alcohol that has been found to have an effect on the use of choline

  25. guaiacol ~ phenolic ether, an anti-microbial and anesthetic

  26. citronellyl acetate ~ a potent ester, commonly used as a flavoring; although, it does have a significant influence on the glycolytic cycle

  27. beta caryophyllene ~ a cannabinoid that is contraindicated with psychotropic medications; although, when meds aren’t a concern, benefits the BDNF transcription factor as well as the endogenous opioid system via the endocannabinoid system

  28. linalool ~ an alcohol, sedative, anti-inflammatory, anti-epileptic

  29. aromadendrene ~ a cannabinoid, modifies blood brain barrier and influences both dopamine and serotonin

Ok , so now that I’ve picked these oils apart as much as I have, I now see why ‘they’ say eucalyptus is not recommended for children. What’s more, getting to know eucalyptus to this degree proves my point of ‘less is more’. Why?

To begin with, there are phenols and depending on the individual, challenges with deactivating phenols may be a bigger issue for some than others…. child or adult (see my post on phenols) Another point has to do with the ketone and alcohol content. Depending on the type of alcohol, the body may turn one into a toxic Oddly, there is a big push these days towards a Keto diet …. which I completely disagree with. Don’t get me wrong, you will probably get the results you’re looking for BUT it is in no way remedying the issue which is the body surviving in stress mode …. which means carbs and proteins are no longer being broken down or used … hence, autoimmune and weight issues. However, aside from that, let’s revisit the point .. stress mode. The body produces ketones as a stress reaction because it no longer has access to carbs. For one thing, this is a brilliant survival tactic BUT to deliberately keep the body is beyond foolish as it only sets us up for further health issues in the future. The body needs all nutrients AND if it’s not using the foods you’re eating efficiently, that’s indicative of a body in need of stability. You may survive, but at what cost. Nonetheless, with a body in chronic stress mode, increasing ketone levels with essential oils is increasingly dangerous and the reason why professionals in the U.K. have seen some serious problems arise from parents ‘bathing’ their children in eucalyptus. This is why, less is more.

Think about that for a moment … we’re seeing a rise in issues with phenols and the body cannot metabolize ketones, both of which are neurotoxic ….

Please know, I am not trying to frighten anyone out of using oils .. just doing my best to raise awareness and inspire a more thoughtful approach. Therefore, for as popular as eucalyptus is, it’s one we want to use with caution as well as on a minimal basis

Without question, eucalyptus has a lot to offer; yet, there is no need to trigger systemic reactions, opposite from what we had originally intended.

Now that I’ve shared all of this, please know I appreciate you for being a part of this journey … join my email list and let me know if you have any questions about this oil or other oils! AND, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel as I continue to add more content and will be launching a series of videos on blending in the next few weeks!